FAQs for Data Subscription of EnOS Cloud

Q: What is the difference between the Basic Alert and the Advanced Alert?

A: Difference between the two is corresponding to the difference of the message queue Topic for subscription consumption, the message queue for basic alert subscription is ALARM_RULE_ENGINE_OUTPUT, and the message queue for advanced alert subscription is ALERT_ENGINE_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC, advanced alert is compatible with basic alert.


Q: How many data subscription jobs can be created for an organization?

A: Currently, an organization can have at most 15 data subscription jobs.

Q: How many consumer groups are supported for a data subscription job? How many consumers are supported in a consumer group?

A: The number of consumer groups for a data subscription job is not limited, but a consumer group allows 2 consumers to consume to subscribed data at the same time.

Q: How long will subscribed real-time asset data be stored in Kafka topics?

A: By default, subscribed data will be stored in Kafka topics for 3 days. In case the data consumption stops temporarily, you can continue consuming the subscribed data within 3 days after the real-time data is subscribed.

FAQs for Data Subscription of EnOS Edge

Q: How many data subscription jobs can be created for an APP?

A: Currently, an APP can have at most 5 data subscription jobs.

Q: Which kinds of data subscription jobs can be created?

A: Time series data subscription, alert data subscription, Edge device event subscription and the results subscription of the control command.

Q: Which kinds of programming language can be used for EnOS Edge data subscription?

A: Java, Go and C.

Q: How to view the created data subscription jobs on the Edge device?

A: Here are two methods:

  1. Go to Edge Details > Applications, and click View Subscription.
  2. Go to Edge Details > Data Subscription. Search for the data subscription job using the SA filter.