Getting Started: Querying Data Quality Report

This guide will help you learn how to use the StreamSets operators for data quality tagging and then query a data quality report.


  • You have applied for the Stream Data Processing resource and Time Series Database resource through Resource Management.
  • You have permission to access the Data Quality module and the StreamSets feature of the Stream Data Processing module.
  • The devices are connected and sending data to EnOS Cloud.

Goals and Data Preparation


The goal of this guide is to quality tag the AI type measurement point test_raw, and query the quality report of this measurement point.

Data Preparation

  • Model configuration: The model used in this guide (testModel) is configured as follows.
Feature Type Name Identifier Point Type Data Type
Measurement Point test_raw test_raw AI double
Measurement Point test_raw_filter test_raw_filter AI double
Measurement Point test_raw_dq test_raw_dq AI double


  • The test_raw measurement point is for ingesting raw data, the test_raw_filter measurement point is for receiving the data that is filtered by the specified threshold, and the test_raw_dq measurement point is for receiving the output of the raw data being processed by the stream processing engine with data quality tags.
  • Ensure that the both the input point and output point are of AI type.
  • Data connection: See Device Connection to complete the data ingestion for the test_raw measurement point.


The steps for data quality tagging and generating quality reports are as follows.

  • Create and develop a stream processing job to quality tag the raw data.
  • Save, publish, and start the stream processing job.
  • View the data quality report.

Step 1: Create and develop a stream processing job to quality tag the raw data.

  1. Download the StreamSets pipeline configuration template from (right click the link and save the streamsets_pipeline_demo.json file to a local directory).
  2. Go to EnOS Management Console > Stream Processing > StreamSets, click the triangle beside the Create New Pipeline button, and select Import Pipeline.
  3. On the Import Pipeline window, enter a pipeline title and description, click Browse …, navigate to and select the configuration template file, and click Import.
  4. Enter the editor and use the following StreamSets operators to edit the stream data processing job. Configuration of the Stages are as follows:
No. StreamSets Stage Parameter Configuration Description
1 Data Source
  • Data Format: JSON
Configure the data source.
2 Point Selector Select Policy: testModel::test_raw Select the measurement point to be processed by the stream data processing job.
3 MinMax Outlier
  • Model Point: testModel::test_raw
  • OpenClose: (x,y)
  • Min-Max: 0,90.00
  • Output PointId: test_raw_filter
Configure the threshold rules for the raw data: the threshold values for the input point is (0, 90.00), and the output point is test_raw_filter.
4 Window Aggregator
  • Aggregation Window Type: Fixed Window Aggregator
  • Fixed Window Unit: minute
  • Fixed Window Size: 2
  • Latency (Minute): 0
  • Model::PointIn: testModel::test_raw_filter
  • Aggregator Policy: avg
  • PointOut: test_raw_dq
Configure the window aggregation rules: the window type is fixed window, the window size is set as 2 min, the latency is set as 0, and the aggregation algorithm is set as avg.
5 Data Distination
  • Data Format: JSON
Configure the data output.

The figure below shows the configuration of the stream data processing job:


Step 2: Save, publish, and start the stream processing job

After configuring the stream data processing job, click the Start icon icon_start to start the job. To view the job running status, return to the job list page.

Step 3: View the data quality report

Go to the EnOS Management Console > Data Quality module and enter the query conditions (Model: testModel; Measuring points: test_raw_filter and test_raw_dq) to query the data quality report of the measurement points. For details of viewing the data quality report, see Viewing the Data Quality Report.