Specifications for Record APIs

APIs of the Records type provide the detailed information of records. Before registering the Records APIs as the data sources in Common Data Service, you need to standardize the APIs according to the following specifications.


In addition to the parameters defined below, Common Data Service can additionally pass some static parameters to support routing within the API provider. Contact the system administrator for parameter specification details.

HTTP Method


Request Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Mandatory String The organization ID which the record belongs to.
locale Optional String Use zh-CN, en-US, ja-JP, or es-ES. If not specified, the value is set to en_US by default.
fields Optional String The field of the record. Separate multiple fields by commas. When multiple records in a single query is supported, these records must have the same fields and at least one of these fields supports sorting. This field is used for secondary sorting, which supports only the results on the first page.
filter Optional String Filter the returned data based on the expression. For example, [[{“field”:”field1”,”operator”:”>=”,”value”:”1”},{“field”:”field2”,”operator”:”<=”,”value”:”2”}],[{“field”:”field3”,”operator”:”==”,”value”:”3”}]], which means the returned data is filtered by (field1 >= 1 and field2 <= 2) or (field3=3). If the operator in the expression is in and the value contains multiple values, separate the values by commas. If a value itself contains a comma, escape the comma from value.
orderBy Optional String Sort the returned data based on the expression. For example, [{“field”:”field1”,”order”:”ASC”}, {“field”:”field2”,”order”:”DESC”}], which means the returned data is sorted first by field1 in ascending order and then by field2 in descending order. If no expression is specified, the default sorting method is determined by the API provider.
pageSize Optional Integer The number of the returned records on a single page. A minimum of 1000 is supported and the default value is determined by the API provider.
pageNo Optional Integer The number of page to be returned. The default value is 1. If pageNo is greater than the total number of pages, return an empty list.

Response Parameters

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
recordFields Definitely Record Fields Struct Describe the detailed record information.
pagination Definitely Pagination Struct Describe the pagination information. See Pagination Struct.

Pagination Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
pageNo Definitely Integer The number of page to be returned, starting from 1.
pageSize Definitely Integer The number of the returned records on a single page.
totalSize Definitely Integer The total number of the returned records.

Request Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Request Sample

POST {requestURL}?orgId=yourOrgId&locale=yourLocale
Content-Type: application/json
    "fields": "a,b,c",
    "filter": [[{"field":"field1","operator":">=","value":"1"},{"field":"field2","operator":"<=","value":"2"}],[{"field":"field3","operator":"==","value":"3"}]],
    "orderBy": [{"field":"field1","order":"ASC"}, {"field":"field2","order":"DESC"}],
    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageNo": 1

Response Sample

    "data": [
    "pagination": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "totalSize": 100
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK"