Specifications for Attribute APIs

APIs of the Attributes type provide information of attributes that are not defined on the EnOS model. Before registering the Attributes APIs as the data sources in Common Data Service, you need to standardize the APIs according to the following specifications.

HTTP Method


Request Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Mandatory String The organization ID which the attribute belongs to.
dimensionId Mandatory String The identifier of the dimension corresponding to the attribute.
keys Mandatory String The key of the dimension corresponding to the attribute.
fields Optional String Filed mapping of the attribute. Separate multiple fields by commas.

Response Parameters

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
data Definitely AttributeData Struct Describe the attribute data. See AttributeData Struct.

AttributeData Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
key Definitely String The key of the dimension corresponding to the attribute.
field Definitely String Filed mapping of the attribute.
value Definitely Integer/Double/String Value of the attribute.

Request Content Type


Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Request Sample

POST {requestURL}?orgId=yourOrgId
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Payload: dimensionId=yourDimensionId&keys=yourKey1,yourKey2&fields=yourField1,yourField2

Response Sample

    "data": {
        "key1": {
            "field1": "10",
            "field2": 0
       "key2": {
            "field1": "10",
            "field2": 0
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK"