Starting Processes

You can start a specific process based on process models that are created by the process owner. Once started, a process generates tasks and triggers events during its execution based on the flow defined in the process model.

Before You Start

You must have the Start permission for the process model that you want to start. Contact the process owner to obtain the necessary permissions.


  1. In the navigation pane, select Processes.
  2. Click Start Process.
  3. From the Process drop-down list, select the process, or search for the required option by typing in the box.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Perform one of the following actions:
    • If the process requires some input parameters before starting, enter the required information and click the appropriate button.
    • If the process does not require any input parameters, click Start Process.


The process is started and appears as a row in the Processes page. If the process involves any user tasks, tasks will also be generated and displayed in the Tasks page.