Viewing Alert Events

After configuring alert rules for an application, you can query the alert records, status, and causes for the specified application, cluster, and environment within a specified time interval, which makes it easy to track the problems that occur in the application.

Viewing the alert history of the application by the following steps:

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Monitor > Alert Event.

  2. Select the name of the application to be queried, the environment where the application is located, and the cluster.

  3. Select the time range for querying the alert history.

  4. Click OK to view the alert event records of the application.


Configuring alert event list

The user can select the fields to be displayed in the list by clicking Configure. The list displays all fields by default. Among them, ID, alert rule, alert type and status are required to be displayed and cannot be modified by default.

Alert event list fields included:

  • ID: the system automatically generated alert event ID, Mandatory.
  • Alert rule: the name of the alert event, Mandatory.
  • Alert Type: the type of alert event, Mandatory
  • Description: description of the alert event, Optional
  • Application: the application that generated the alert event, Optional
  • Environment: the environment where the application is located, Optional
  • Cluster: the cluster where the application is located, Optional
  • Recipients: the recipient of the alert event, Optional
  • Creation time: the creation time of the alert event, Optional
  • Duration: the duration of the alert, Optional
  • Alert severity: Severe, Warning, and General., Optional
  • Status: alert event status, including triggered or resolved, Mandatory

Viewing the cause of alert events

Support to view detailed alert event information and reasons.


The causes of alert events displayed for different alert event types are as follows.

  • Log alert: Application log triggers alert, query related log context.
  • Event alert: container event triggered alert, query container related event details.
  • Container alert: container metric triggered alert, displaying the metric trend before the alert triggered.
  • Application alert: application metric triggered alert, displaying the metric trend before the alert triggered.