Application Enablement Overview

EnOS offers toolkits, components, and services that help you leverage the IoT data and common data services to rapidly build and deploy applications. It enables you to:

EnOS application enablement services include Industry Application Common Building Blocks and Innovation Suite.

Industry Application Common Building Blocks

EnOS provides a collection of Industry Application Common Building Blocks consolidated from domain practices to help quickly build applications, lower application development threshold, and improve application development efficiency.

Innovation Suite

Innovation Suite provides the required application development services for professional developers including APIs, SDKs, and Developer Studio.


EnOS enables users to use the functions of EnOS through various APIs. To get started with EnOS APIs, visit EnOS APIs.


EnOS provides official SDKs for application developers to perform various tasks such as connecting devices, ingesting data, and accessing data and services on EnOS.

EnOS SDKs can be accessed at EnOS SDKs & Tools.

Developer Studio

EnOS provides the following services to improve the efficiency of containerized application development, testing, and operation & maintenance: