
DevOps supports complete lifecycle management, end-to-end DevOps process, log service, and monitoring service for containerized applications.

The main functions of DevOps include:

Multi-tenancy Management

Through creating and managing organizations, and categorizing the projects, applications, and user roles in the organization, you can centrally manage application development projects and products. The main features of Multi-tenancy Management include:

  • Container resources are not shared among organizations to achieve tenant isolation.
  • Projects of an organization do not share resources, and the resource configuration of projects can be customized according to business needs.
  • Supports binding with EnOS organization or importing organization information from EnOS.

DevOps and Container Cluster Management both have Multi-tenancy Management capabilities, tenant management approach is similar. For more information, see Quick Start to Multi-Tenant Management

Application Lifecycle Management

DevOps provides complete application lifecycle management, including:

  • Creating application development projects and managing project members.
  • Creating products as application collections to achieve centralized application management.
  • Creating applications to maintain application information.
  • Managing application deployment configuration and pipelines.

Container Service

DevOps provides perfect container services, simplifies container management and cluster setup, and creates the best container running environment for applications, including:

  • Deployment Management (Deployment and Stateful Set configuration)
  • Configuration Management (Config Map and Secret configuration)
  • Route Management (Service and Route configuration)
  • Storage Capability Management (Storage configuration)

DevOps Continuous Delivery

DevOps supports the complete DevOps process from code submission to application deployment, including:

  • Supporting multiple programming languages and tools, including Java, Nodejs, Python, and Go.
  • Running pipeline tasks such as code scanning, building, and deploying by stages.
  • Setting multiple modes for triggering the pipeline operation, such as automatic, manual, and scheduled triggering modes.
  • Viewing the task running status and results in real-time, and downloading the task running logs as needed.

Application Version Publish

DevOps supports different application publish modes for application upgrade and project iteration to meet the requirements of various business scenarios, including:

  • Rolling Update: Publishing a new version of an application with 1 cluster while providing continuous service. In the process of updating the application, two versions of the application provide service at the same time. The cost of using the Rolling Update function is low.
  • Blue/Green Deployment: Publishing a new version of an application with 2 clusters while providing continuous service. In the process of updating the application, only 1 version of the application provides service. The cost of using the Blue/Green Deployment function is higher compared to the Rolling Update function.
  • Helm Chart Deployment: Based on Helm Chart, complex applications with multiple microservices can be published with just a click of the mouse.