Configuring Quota

This article describes how application developers can create a new Quota configuration that configures the container resources for a given environment and cluster.

Creating Quota

Configure the container resource Quota for the cluster by following these steps:

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Container > Quota.

  2. Click New Quota and complete the detailed configuration of Quota.

  3. In the Basic Information field, provide basic information about Quota.

    • Environment:Select the environment name, currently dev, alpha, beta, ppe, and prod environments are supported.
    • Cluster:Select the Cluster name.
  4. In the Resource Limit field, configure the cluster’s container resources.

    • CPU Request/Limit:Enter the CPU limit and request value.
    • Memory Request/Limit:Enter the memory limit and request value.
    • Storage Request:Enter the storage request value.
    • Pods:Enter the number of Pods that can be run
    • Ephemeral Storage: Enter the ephemeral maximum storage capacity for this cluster.
  5. Click OK to complete the Quota configuration.