New APIs

In EnOS 2.4, we reclassified EnOS APIs into the general API and the semantic API:

  • General APIs can be used to get the raw data, where we added some new API services as well as some new APIs for the existing API services.
  • Semantic APIs unify and standardize data with business semantics offering a business-friendly view of data, where we added two new API services, Onboarding Tool service and Common Data Service.

EnOS General APIs

In EnOS 2.4, we added Device Provisioning Service, Metric Management Service, and Work Management Service for the General APIs and added some new APIs for some of the existing API services. “√” and “×” refers to whether EnOS Cloud/EnOS Edge supports or does not support the API respectively.

New API Services

In EnOS 2.4, we added the following new general API services.

Device Provisioning Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Create DPS Device Create DPS devices ×
Get DPS Device Get the information of a DPS device ×
Allocate DPS Device Allocate and activate a DPS device ×
Reset Device Allocation Status Reset the allocation status of devices ×

Metric Management Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Query Metric Data Query metric data in batches ×

Work Management Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Get Service Request List Get service request list
Get Service Request Details Get service request details
Get Work Order List Get work order list
Get Work Order Details Get work order details
Get Relation List/Downtime Get associated record/downtime record details

Existing API Services

In EnOS 2.4, we added the following new APIs for some of the existing general API services.

IAM Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Create SSO User Create an SSO user ×
Update SSO User Update the details of an SSO user ×
List SSO Users List the SSO users of the specified organization ×
Delete SSO User Delete an SSO user from the OU ×
List Policies by User List the policies bound to a user ×
List User Groups by User List the user groups that the user has joined in the current organization ×
Create User Group Create a user group ×
Update User Group Update user group information ×
Get User Group Get the user group information ×
List User Groups List the user groups under an OU ×
Delete User Group Delete a user group from the OU ×
Add User to User Group Add users to a user group ×
Remove User from User Group Remove users from a user group ×
Attach Policy to User/User Group/Service Account Attach policies to a user, user group, or service account ×
Remove Policy from User/User Group/Service Account Remove policies from a user, user group, or service account ×
Get Policy Get the policy information ×
List Policies by Service Account List the policies for a service account ×
List Policies List the policies of an OU ×
Get Resource Get the information of a resource ×
Get Resource Condition Get the conditions of a resource based on the resource type ×
Get Resource Provider Get the provider information of a resource based on the resource type ×
Get Resource Operation Permissions Get the operation permissions of a resource based on the resource type ×

TSDB Data Service V2.0

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Get Asset Unified Raw Data Uniform interface for querying standard data and non-standard data, supporting interpolation of standard data ×

TSDB Data Service V2.1

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Get Asset Unified Raw Data Uniform interface for querying standard data and non-standard data, supporting interpolation of standard data ×

Data Catalog Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Import Entity by Excel Common interface for importing entities. Support importing data by Excel-formatted files. ×
Import Relationship by Excel Common interface for importing relationships. Support importing data by Excel-formatted files. ×
Export Entity to Excel Common interface for exporting entities. Support exporting data by Excel-formatted files. ×
Export Relationship to Excel Common interface for exporting relationships. Support exporting data by Excel-formatted files. ×

EnOS Application Portal Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Create Message Rule Create message rules
Delete Message Rule Delete message rules
Search Message Rule Search message rules
Update Message Rule Update message rules
Get Application Resources by User and Organization Get the permission points and menus of applications
Confirm Password Confirm the passwords of login users
Assign Assets to Organization Structure Assign assets to organization structure nodes
Create Organization Structure Create organization structure nodes
Create User and Choose Organization Create users and assign the users to organizations
Delete Organization Structure Delete organization structure nodes
Get Organization User Group List Get user group lists in organizations
Get Structure by Application Get the organization structure root node assigned to applications
Get Structure by Detail Get the whole organization structure assigned to applications
Get Structure by User Get the whole organization structures available for users
Get User by User Group Get the user lists of user groups
Query Audit Logs Query audit logs
Query Menu Access Logs Query user events on clicking menus
Update Organization Structure Update organization structure node information
Update User Information Update user information

EnOS Semantic APIs

In EnOS 2.4, we added the two new semantic API services, Onboarding Tool Service and Common Data Service. “√” and “×” refers to whether EnOS Cloud/EnOS Edge supports or does not support the API respectively.

New API Services

In EnOS 2.4, we added the following two semantic API services.

Onboarding Tool Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Search Site Get the basic information of sites ×
Search Device Get the basic information of devices on all or specified sites ×
Search Topology Get the basic information of on-site topologies ×
Search Topology Path Get the node path of topologies from root to end and return the information of all nodes ×
Get Topology Definition Get the metadata of topologies and the types of devices that defined by topology rules ×

Common Data Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Query Meta Attribute Query meta attributes
Query Meta Measurement Point Query meta measurement points
Query Meta Metric Query meta metrics
Query Meta Generic Data Query meta generic data
Query Meta Record Query meta records
Query Accessible Asset Type Query accessible asset types
Query Accessible Asset Query accessible assets
Query Asset Attribute Query asset attributes
Query Asset Hierarchy Query asset hierarchies
Query Asset Topology Query asset topology
Query Asset Topology Rule Query asset topology rules
Query Latest Measurement Point Query the latest readings of measurement points
Query Latest Metric Query the latest readings of metrics
Query Historical Measurement Point Query the historical data of measurement points
Query Historical Metric Query the historical data of metrics
Query Record Query records