Changed APIs

EnOS 2.4 introduces the following API behavioral changes.

EnOS General APIs

The limitation changes of some of the general APIs are listed in the below.

Service / Function Before After Impact
Model Service Attributes with dataType as string: Max 1024 characters Attributes with dataType as string: Max 4000 characters None
Connection Service > Product productDesc: Max 100 characters productDesc: Max 512 characters None
Connection Service > Firmware Management desc: Max 100 characters desc: Max 512 characters None
Asset Tree Service > Asset Tree tags: Max 50 per asset tree tags: Max 100 per asset tree None

The required authorization and operation permission changes of some of the general APIs are listed in the below.

API Name Before After Impact EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Model Service > Update Thing Model
  • Required Authorization: Model Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Model
  • Required Operation Permission: Update
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Create Product
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Product
  • Required Operation Permission: Create
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Delete Product
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Product
  • Required Operation Permission: Delete
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Update Product
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Product
  • Required Operation Permission: Update
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Apply Certificate
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Certificate
  • Required Operation Permission: Apply
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Renew Certificate
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Certificate
  • Required Operation Permission: Renew
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Revoke Certificate
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Certificate
  • Required Operation Permission: Revoke
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > List Certificate
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Read
  • Required Authorization: Certificate
  • Required Operation Permission: Read
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Create Firmware File
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Create
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×

Connection Service >

  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Read
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Read
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Delete Firmware
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Delete
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Create OTA Job
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Create OTA
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×

Connection Service >

  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Read
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Read OTA
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×

Connection Service >

  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Control OTA
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×
Connection Service > Delete OTA Job
  • Required Authorization: Device Management
  • Required Operation Permission: Full Access
  • Required Authorization: Firmware
  • Required Operation Permission: Delete OTA
None. The authorized service accounts have been updated synchronously ×

The applicability changes for EnOS Edge of some general APIs are listed in the below.

Service / Function API Name Before After Impact
Connection Service > Device Data Get Latest Measurement Points Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking the API to get latest measurement points uploaded by EnOS Edge None
Connection Service > Device Search Device Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking the API to search the information of EnOS Edge devices EnOS Edge simplifies some of the request and return parameters. For more information, see Search Device
Connection Service > HTTP Message Integration Upload Measurement Points Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking the API to upload measurement points of EnOS Edge devices, except for file-type data None
Alert Engine Service > Alert Content Get Alert Content Applicable to EnOS Edge,but does not support EnOS Edge to perform OU verification Supports EnOS Edge to perform OU verification None
Alert Engine Service > Alert Rule Search Alert Rule Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking the API to query alert rules configured for devices of EnOS Edge None
Alert Engine Service > Alert Record > History & Active Alert Records Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking APIs to (batch) create and search the history and active alert records of devices of EnOS Edge, or closing an active alert None
Alert Engine Service > Alert Record > Alert Tags Not applicable to EnOS Edge Supports invoking APIs to (batch) updating history and active alert tags of devices of EnOS Edge None

Model Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Get Thing Model and Search Thing Model Added new parameters isRequired and defaultValue for ThingDatapoint Struct. ×
Update Thing Model Added new parameters isRequired and defaultValue for ThingDatapoint Struct to specify whether the values for input parameters are required as well as their default values when invoking services. ×

Connection Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Search OTA Job Supports fuzzy query of name and firmwareName in expression parameter. ×

Asset Tree Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Delete Asset Node Add new request parameter force to enable the user to delete a node as well as all its child nodes from the asset tree. ×

Alert Engine Service

API Name Description
Get Alert Content EnOS Edge supports OU verification for this API.