Get Service Request List

Get service request list.

Request Format

​       POST https://{apigw-address}/work-management/v1.0/s-taskmgmtds/cmms/service-request/list

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
locale Query Optional String Regional Information (Chinese: zh-CN, English: en-US)

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
authorization Mandatory String User Token information obtained from the Application Portal

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
startTime Mandatory String Start Time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
endTime Mandatory String End Time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
siteIds Mandatory List of String Site ID List
srStatus Optional List of Integer Status List
priority Optional List of String Service Request Priority
assigneeIds Optional List of String Assignee ID List
queryTodo Optional Boolean Whether to query todo tasks (todo tasks for assigneeIds and the user group they belong to). Note: assigneeIds only supports todo for a single user for now.
expectedCompletionDate Optional String
Expected Completion Date. Time period: expectedCompletionDateFrom ~ expectedCompletionDateTo field
  • Keywords: expectedCompletionDate field. Supported keyword ranges: notNull: isNotNull; null: isNull; expired: Expired.
expectedCompletionDateFrom Optional String expectedCompletionDate Start Time
expectedCompletionDateTo Optional String expectedCompletionDate End Time
createUserIds Optional List of String Creator User ID List
sourceTypes Optional List of Integer Source Type List
sortName Optional String Sort fields. Supports sorting by the following fields. - srNum: Number (default) - srStatus: Status - priority: Priority - expectedCompletionDate: Expected Completion Date - sourceType: Source Type - createTime: Creation Time - updateTime: Update Time
sortType Optional String Sort by. ASC: ascending; DESC: descending (default).
keyword Optional String Search Keyword
customizedParam Optional List of Param Struct The keyword can be queried by multiple conditions. Example: [{“key”: “subType”,”value”: “defect”},{“key”: “subType”,”value”: “failure”}]. For more information about Param Struct, see Param Struct.
startTimeFrom Optional String The start point of the start time
startTimeTo Optional String Cut-off time point for start time
endTimeFrom Optional String The end point of the start time
endTimeTo Optional String Cut-off time point for end time
pageNo Optional Integer Page number. Default value: 1
pageSize Optional Integer The number of records per page. Default value: 50, Max value: 1000

Param Struct

Name Data Type Description
key String Custom field identifier, required to be registered in the Work Management Form.
value String The value of the queried field.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Data Struct The return message. For more information about Data Struct, see Data Struct.

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
pageNo Integer Page Number
pageSize Integer The number of records per page
total Integer The total number of the queried data
list List of ServiceRequest Struct Service Request Object List.For more information about ServiceRequest Struct, see ServiceRequest Struct.

ServiceRequest Struct

Name Data Type Description
orgId String OU ID
srId String Service Request ID
srNum String Service Request Number
title String Service Request Title
description String Service Request Description
srStatus Integer Service Request Status Code
siteId String Site ID
siteName String Site Name
priority Integer Service Request Priority
assigneeName String Assignee Name
assigneeId String Assignee ID
assignee User Struct Assignee. For more information about User Struct, see User Struct.
createUserId String Creator ID
createUser String Creator Name
createTime String Ticket Creation Time
createLocalTime String Ticket Creation Local Time
updateUserId String Ticket Updater ID
updateUser String Ticket Updater Name
updateTime String Ticket Update Time
sourceType Integer Source type. This API accepts enumerated values. 1: Alert; 2: Alarm; 3: O&M Recommendation; 4: Manual; 5: Downtime Record; 6: O&M Plan (internal reserved value); 7: Service Request (internal reserved value).
expectedCompletionDate String Expected Completion Date
customizedParam List of Param Struct Custom Field. For more information about Param Struct, see Param Struct.
timezone String Site Time Zone
deviceId String Device ID list
relatedIssue Integer Number of associated ticket
actualCause String Actual Cause
completionNote String Ticket Completion Note
expired Boolean Whether the ticket is overdue
remainingTime String Ticket remaining time (ms)
estimateEffort Integer Estimated work hours for ticket
processInstanceId String Process ID
requestType Integer Request Type

User Struct

Name Data Type Description
userId String User ID
username String User Name

Error Codes

Code Description
96134 Invalid site ID
96146 The custom field key does not support filtering, please check the configuration or change the parameter.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/work-management/v1.0/service-request/list
method: POST
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 50,
    "startTime":"2021-05-09 16:28:39",
    "endTime":"2021-06-09 16:28:39",

Response Sample

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "id": id,
        "orgId": "orgId",
        "srId": "srId",
        "srNum": "srNum",
        "title": "test jimmy",
        "description": "description",
        "srStatus": 30,
        "siteId": "siteId",
        "siteName": "siteName",
        "priority": 4,
        "assigneeName": "assigneeName",
        "assigneeId": "assigneeId",
        "assignee": {
          "userId": "userId",
          "username": "username"
        "createUserId": "createUserId",
        "createUser": "createUser",
        "createTime": "2022-05-18 15:47:08",
        "createLocalTime": "2022-05-18 15:47:08",
        "updateUserId": "updateUserId",
        "updateUser": "updateUser",
        "updateTime": "2022-05-25 10:31:23",
        "sourceType": 4,
        "expectedCompletionDate": "2022-05-19",
        "customizedParam": [
            "key": "key",
            "value": "value",
            "label": null,
            "section": null,
            "displayOrder": null
        "timezone": "+08:00",
        "status": 1,
        "deviceId": "deviceId1,deviceId2",
        "relatedIssue": 2,
        "note": "",
        "actualCause": "reason test",
        "completionNote": "note test",
        "expired": true,
        "remainingTime": "0",
        "estimateEffort": 8,
        "processInstanceId": "processInstanceId",
        "requestType": 1
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 1,
    "total": 14488