
New APIs

IAM Service

API Name Description
Log In Log in EnOS
Get Session Information Get login session information
List User Organization List the organizations to which a user belongs

Application Portal Service

API Name Description
Get User Domain Get the domain information of a user using the email address
Get User Structures Get information of the organization structure to which a user is assigned

Data Federation Service

API Name Description
List Channels Get the list of created channels (Read and Write) in the organization
Read Data Read data by providing SQL query through the specified channel
List Jobs Get the data reading jobs or data writing jobs of a specified channel
Get Job Details Get detailed information of a data reading job or a data writing job
Write Message Write message to data source through a specified channel
Write Chunk File Write file chunks to data source through a specified channel

Changed APIs

Device Data

API Before After Impact
Download File (Preview) N/A Added category to request parameter (URI) which indicates the type of the file to be downloaded N/A

HTTP Real-time Integration (Preview)

API Before After Impact
Upload Attribute N/A Added a required parameter Content-length to the header of the file form-data in the request body. The parameter indicates the file size N/A
Upload Event N/A Added a required parameter Content-length to the header of the file form-data in the request body. The parameter indicates the file size N/A
Upload Measurement Point N/A Added a required parameter Content-length to the header of the file form-data in the request body. The parameter indicates the file size N/A

Batch Processing Service

Starting from EnOS 2.1.2 release, the Dataflow Service is renamed Batch Processing Service. In the API request URL, dataflow-batch-service is changed to batch-processing-service, and the API version is upgraded to v2.1. The new version includes the following updates:

Changed Item Before After Impact
Response field rename status code All APIs
Successful request Success OK All APIs
searchValue filed rename searchValue expression Get My Flow
pagination struct Value of pageNo starts from 0 Value of pageNo starts from 1 Search Flow,List Flow Instances

Deprecations and Removals


API What’s deprecated or removed
Search Thing Model callType in ThingService struct in the response is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


API What’s deprecated or removed
Update Asset modelId in AssetUpdate struct in the request parameter (body) is removed.

Batch Processing Service

Items What’s deprecated or removed Impact
The appId field in request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample Removed the appId field Import Flow,Export Flow,Get Flow,Load Flow For Edit,Get Flow Instance,List Flow Instances
The alertTo field in request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample Removed the alertTo field Import Flow,Export Flow,Get Flow,Load Flow For Edit,Get Flow Instance,List Flow Instances
The waitCode field in request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample Removed the waitCode field Import Flow,Export Flow