
Connection Service

New APIs

API Description
Search Command Query the details of the commands

Changed APIs

API Description
Get Device 4 new parameters are supported in Device struct to indicates the latest time when a device was updated: measurepointLastUpdate, eventLastUpdate, attributeLastUpdate and featureLastUpdate.

Alert Service

New APIs

API Description
Close Active Alert Close an active alert
Search Alert Rule Query alert rule under a specific organization

Changed APIs

API Description
Create Alert Content The data type of response parameter data changes to “String” from previous “null”;<br>A new parameter source is supported in request body to indicate the data source to which the alert content applies.
Create Alert Rule The data type of response parameter data changes to “String” from previous “null”;<br>The parameter condition in the request body changes to query expression-like statement from expression;<br>A new parameter source is supported in request body to indicate the data source to which the alert rule applies.
Create Alert Severity The data type of response parameter data changes to “String” from previous “null”;<br>A new parameter source is supported in request body to indicate the data source to which the alert severity applies.
Create Alert Type The data type of response parameter data changes to “String” from previous “null”;<br>A new parameter source is supported in request body to indicate the data source to which the alert type applies.
Delete Alert Content A new parameter source is supported in request URI to indicate the data source to which the alert content applies.
Delete Alert Rule A new parameter source is supported in request URI to indicate the data source to which the alert rule applies.
Delete Alert Severity A new parameter source is supported in request URI to indicate the data source to which the alert severity applies.
Delete Alert Type A new parameter source is supported in request URI to indicate the data source to which the alert type applies.
Search Alert Content A new parameter source is supported in AlertContent struct to indicate the data source to which the alert content applies.
Search Alert Rule A new parameter source is supported in AlertRule struct to indicate the data source to which the alert rule applies.
Search Alert Severity A new parameter source is supported in AlertSeverity struct to indicate the data source to which the alert severity applies.
Search Alert Type A new parameter source is supported in AlertType struct to indicate the data source to which the alert type applies.
Update Alert Content A new parameter source is supported in generateContent struct to indicate the data source to which the alert content applies.
Update Alert Rule The parameter condition in the request body changes to query expression-like statement from expression;<br>A new parameter source is supported in alertRule struct to indicate the data source to which the alert rule applies.
Update Alert Severity A new parameter source is supported in generateSeverity struct to indicate the data source to which the alert severity applies.
Update Alert Type A new parameter source is supported in generateType struct to indicate the data source to which the alert type applies.

Asset Tree Service

New APIs

API Description
Create Asset Tree Create an asset tree as well as its root node
Create Asset Tree and Associate Asset Create an asset tree and associate an existing asset as the root node of the asset tree
Delete Asset Tree Delete an asset tree
Update Asset Tree Update the asset tree information

Changed APIs

API Description
Search Asset Node In request body, use expression parameter to replace previous parameter filter.

IAM Service

New APIs

API Description
Get Organization Get the organization information