
New APIs

Alert Service

API Description
Create Active Alerts in Batch Create active alerts in batch.
Create History Alerts in Batch Create history alerts in batch.

TSDB Data Service

API Description
Get Asset DI Data Duration Get the duration of different status (DI) data of a specified device within a certain period.

Application Portal Service

API Description
Get User’s Applications Get a list of applications that the current user has permission to access through Access Token.

Prediction Model Service

API Description
Machine Learning Forecast When an algorithm model is deployed successfully, get the prediction results of the deployed machine learning algorithm model.

Dataflow Service

API Description
Cancel Flow Instance Cancel the running of a specific workflow instance.
Create Directory Create a directory of workflows.
Delete Flow Delete a specific workflow.
Disable Flow Disable the scheduling of a specific workflow.
Enable Flow Enable the scheduling of a specific workflow.
Export Flow Export the configuration of a workflow.
Get Current Time Get the current time of the server.
Get Flow Get the detailed information of a specific workflow.
Get Flow Instance Get the detailed information of a specific workflow instance.
Get My Flow Query the detailed information of workflows by specific conditions.
Get Task Instance Log Get the logs of a specific work instance.
Get Time Zone Get the time zone of the location of the server.
Import Flow Import workflow configuration to create a workflow and save the workflow in a specific directory.
List Flow Instances Query workflow instances by specific conditions.
List Workflow Directories List the workflow directory information (including sub-directories and workflow files) of the current OU.
Load Flow For Edit Load the information a specific workflow to a temporary workflow for editing.
Save Flow Save the configuration of the current workflow.
Search Flow Search workflows by specific conditions and list the workflows by pages.
Trigger Flow Trigger the scheduling of a specific workflow manually.
Update And Trigger Flow Trigger the scheduling of a specific workflow with new parameters (generating a workflow instance without changing the workflow information).

Changed APIs

Alert Service

API Description
Create Active Alert A new field deviceStatus is returned in ActiveAlert struct to indicate the device status.
Create Alert Rule A new parameter deviceStatus is supported in the request body.
Create History Alert A new field deviceStatus is returned in HistoryAlert struct to indicate the device status.
Search Active Alerts New fields deviceStatus and assetPath are supported in the expression parameter of the request body.
Search Alert Rule
  • A new parameter deviceStatus is supported in the request body.
  • New field deviceStatus is supported in the expression parameter of the request body. The supported syntax is !=.
  • A new field deviceStatus is returned in the response body.
Search History Alerts
  • New fields deviceStatus and assetPath are supported in the expression parameter of the request body.
  • A new field deviceStatus is returned in the response body.
Update Alert Rule
  • A new parameter deviceStatus is supported in the request body.
  • Parameters in the alertRule struct are moved to the request body.
Update Alert Type Added constraint: If the alert type already has a parent alert type, the parentTypeId cannot be updated.

TSDB Data Service

API Description
Get Asset Raw Data by Time Range A new parameter orderBy is supported in the request URL, which can be used to sort the response results by a certain field.


Item Description
Token Authentication Added support of the token authentication function, which supports the security encryption of API calls with the mechanism of access token.