Key Concepts

The user and permission system of EnOS Work Management is inherited from EnOS Application Portal. Before you start, you need to learn about the Key Concepts of EnOS Application Portal.

Below are the key concepts of Work Management.


A ticket is a collective term for service requests, work orders, and recurring works.

Service Request

Service requests are usually used to report problems or submit O&M requests. For example, when monitoring staff discover that a device has generated an alert or another abnormality, they can submit the problem to the site O&M team for handling by creating a service request. Work Management is integrated with EnOS Monitoring & Control and Advanced Analytics applications, enabling one-click triggering of service requests from alarms or alerts. For more information, see Creating a Work Order Using a Service Request.

Work Order

Work orders are the core of O&M work. Work orders contain information such as the task to be completed and the personnel, time, and files required to complete the task. For more information, see Creating Work Orders.

Recurring Work

Recurring works are used to plan certain maintenance tasks in advance that need to be repeated periodically. For more information, see Creating Work Orders Using Recurring Works.


The workflow includes multiple nodes, such as Create, Schedule, and Complete. For more information about the default workflow for service requests and work orders, see Creating a Work Order Using a Service Request and Creating Work Orders.


Scheduling is the process of setting a technician and execution time for a ticket.


This ends the current ticket node and pushes the ticket to the next node of the workflow. After transitioning, the node where the ticket is located changes, but the assignee of the ticket does not change.


This assigns the current ticket node to a person or group. After the assignment, the workflow node where the ticket is located does not change, but the assignee of the ticket will change.