Creating Work Orders Manually

In EnOS Work Management, you can manually create a work order or batch import work orders.


Before starting, make sure the current account has the required asset permissions, action permissions, and menu groups including Work Orders. If not these are assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating a Work Order

Work orders can be created manually. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Work Orders menu to enter the work order list.
  2. Select New to go to the work order creation page and enter the following information:
    • Subject: enter a title for the work order.
    • Site: select a site. Can be searched by name.
    • Devices: select one or more devices. Can be searched by name.
    • Work Order Type: enter a work order type.
    • Priority: specify the priority, if not specified, the default is None.
    • Schedule: specify the technician, additional technician, and scheduling, but these can also be entered during subsequent scheduling.
    • Description: enter a description for the work order.
    • Files: images and files can be uploaded.
    • Historical Work Orders: after selecting a device, the historical work orders of the currently selected devices will be displayed as a list for reference. They can be filtered by device, work order type, and status.
  3. Select Save to complete the work order creation.

Batch Importing Work Orders

Work orders can be created in batches by importing. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Work Orders menu to enter the work order list.
  2. Select Import to open the pop-up window.
  3. In the drop-down window, select the site for which the work orders need to be imported.
  4. Select Download Template to download the import template for the site. The instructions for filling out the template are:
    • The first line is the name of the site, and the second line is the filling instructions (neither can be deleted).
    • Only one site’s data can be imported at a time.
    • The template language should match the current system language.
    • Field names with * are required.
  5. After filling these out, select Import File and select the file to complete the import.