Get Storage Policy

Get the detailed information of the specified storage policy with the storage policy ID, including the storage policy name, stored data type, storage time, and models and measurement points (with data compression configuration) that are configured with the storage policy.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-policy/v2.1/policies/{policyId}

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
policyId Path Mandatory String The storage policy ID, which can be retrieved through the EnOS Management Console > Time Series Data Management > Storage Policy page.
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get organization ID>>

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data List<JSONObject> The detailed information of the storage policy. See Storage Policy Struct

Storage Policy Struct

Name Data Type Description
policyId String The storage policy ID.
policyName String The storage policy name.
policyType String The storage type.
retention String The data storage time.
models List<JSONObject> The list of models and measurement points. See Model and Point Struct

Model and Point Struct

Point Compression Configuration

Name Data Type Description
pointId String Measurement point ID.
sdt JSONObject Swinging Door Trending Compression parameters, including the configuration of compdev, compmax, and compmin parameters.
db JSONObject Dead Band Compression parameters, including the configuration of excdev, excmax, and excmin parameters.


   "policyId": "aa8bbcba-2919-4c78-854c-54984d85d2fa",
   "policyName": "AI Normalized Data",
   "policyType": "NORMALIZED",
   "retention": "6M",
   "models": [
         "modelId": "model_1",
         "points": [
               "pointId": "test_point1",
               "sdt": {
                  "compdev": 0.22,
                  "compmax": 2200,
                  "compmin": 22
               "db": {
                  "excdev": 0.11,
                  "excmax": 100,
                  "excmin": 11
               "pointId": "test_point2",
               "sdt": null,
               "db": null
               "pointId": "test_point3",
               "sdt": {
                  "compdev": 0.22,
                  "compmax": 2200,
                  "compmin": 22
               "db": null
         "modelId": "model_2",
         "points": [
               "pointId": "test_point3",
               "sdt": {
                  "compdev": 0.22,
                  "compmax": 2200,
                  "compmin": 22
               "db": {
                  "excdev": 0.11,
                  "excmax": 1100,
                  "excmin": 11

Error Code

For the description of error codes, see Common Error Codes.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-policy/v2.1/policies/aa8bbcba-2919-4c78-854c-54984d85d2fa?orgId=yourOrgId

method: GET

Return Sample

   "code": 0,
   "msg": "OK",
   "submsg": null,
   "data": {
      "policyId": "aa8bbcba-2919-4c78-854c-54984d85d2fa",
      "policyName": "AI Normalized Data",
      "policyType": "NORMALIZED",
      "retention": "6M",
      "models": [
            "modelId": "model_1",
            "points": [
                  "pointId": "test_point1",
                  "sdt": {
                     "compdev": 0.22,
                     "compmax": 2200,
                     "compmin": 22
                  "db": {
                     "excdev": 0.11,
                     "excmax": 100,
                     "excmin": 11
                  "pointId": "test_point2",
                  "sdt": null,
                  "db": null
                  "pointId": "test_point3",
                  "sdt": {
                     "compdev": 0.22,
                     "compmax": 2200,
                     "compmin": 22
                  "db": null
            "modelId": "model_2",
            "points": [
                  "pointId": "test_point3",
                  "sdt": {
                     "compdev": 0.22,
                     "compmax": 2200,
                     "compmin": 22
                  "db": {
                     "excdev": 0.11,
                     "excmax": 1100,
                     "excmin": 11

Java SDK Sample

import com.envision.apim.poseidon.config.PConfig;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.core.Poseidon;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.request.PoseidonRequest;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class Sample {
    private static final String APIM_BASE_URL = "https://{domain_url}";
    private Poseidon poseidon;

    public void init() {
        poseidon = Poseidon.config(
                .appKey("AccessKey of your APP")
                .appSecret("SecretKey of your APP")

    public void GetStoragePolicyData() {
        String policyId = "yourPolicyId";
        String resp = poseidon.url(APIM_BASE_URL + "/tsdb-policy/v2.1/policies/" + policyId)
                .queryParam("orgId", "yourOrgId")
