Search Topology Path

Get the node path of topologies from root to end and return the information of all nodes. Supports the on-site and off-site topologies.

Operation Permissions

Before invoking this API, ensure that the service account has been authorized the policy that includes the following service(s) and action permission(s). For how to authorize the service account, see Managing Service Accounts.

Required Policy Required Permission
Device Management Read
Asset Tree Administrator Read

Before You Start

The OU has been bounded with an OU template and the OU template has been assigned at least one topology rule.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/amc/v1.0/topology?action=searchTopologyPath

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Required String The prganization ID which the topology belongs to. How to get orgId>>
topologyId Query Required String The topology ID.

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
pagination Optional Pagination request struct Lists the paging requirements in a request. The max records per page is 200. The default records per page is 100. Supports only pageNo and pageSize. The earlier the device was created, the higher the results displayed.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data TopologyPath Struct The node path of the topology from root to end and the information of the nodes.
pagination EnosPageDataV2 struct The number of the nodes.

TopologyPath Struct

Name Data Type Description
assetPaths List<List<String>> The node path of the topology from root to end, and the asset IDs of each node.
assets Map (Key is of String type, Value is the asset struct) The information of the assets that mounted in the topology. Key is the asset ID, Value is the information of the asset.

EnosPageDataV2 Struct

Name Data Type Description
pageNo Integer The number of pages in a request.
pageSize Integer The number of records in a page.
totalSize Integer The number of all records.

Asset Struct

Name Data Type Description
assetId String The asset ID that mounted in the node.
name StringI18n The name of the node.(also the name of the mounted asset).
modelId String The model ID of the object.
timezone String The timezone of the object.
description String The description of the object.
attributes Map (Key is of String, Value is the object)
The attributes of the object.
Key is the attribute ID, Value is the value of the attribute.
tags Map (Key and Value are both of String)
The tags of the object.
Key is the key of the tag, Value is the value of the tag.
typeInfo Metadata Struct The type of the object.

Metadata Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The identifier of site type, device type, or group type.
name StringI18n The name of site type, device type, or group type.
type String The object category: NODE, DEVICE, SITE.

Error Codes

Code Message Description
99500 Internal server error Internal server error. Contact EnOS support.
99400 Invalid pagination parameters Pagination parameters are invalid. Please check the request parameters.
99400 pageSize value cannot exceed 200 The value of pageSize parameter in pagination can not exceed 200.


Request Sample

URL: https://{apigw-address}/amc/v1.0/topology?action=searchTopologyPath&orgId=yourOrgId&topologyId=yourTopologyId

method: POST


Response Sample


                        "defaultValue":"Other Meter",
                            "en_US":"Other Meter",

                        "defaultValue":"Weather Station",
                            "en_US":"Weather Station",

                        "defaultValue":"Solar Site",
                            "en_US":"Solar Site",