Get Topology Definition

Get the metadata of topologies and the types of devices that defined by topology rules. Supports on-site and off-site topologies.

Operation Permissions

Before invoking this API, ensure that the service account has been authorized the policy that includes the following service(s) and action permission(s). For how to authorize the service account, see Managing Service Accounts.

Required Policy Required Permission
Administrator Full Access

Before You Start

The OU has been bounded with an OU template and the OU template has been assigned at least one topology rule.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/amc/v1.0/topology?action=getDefinition

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Required String The organization ID. How to get orgId>>
topologyId Query Required String Topology ID.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data TopologyDefinition Struct The information of topologies

TopologyDefinition Struct

Name Data Type Description
name StringI18n The topology’s name.
description StringI18n The description of the topology.
topologyMetaData TopologyMetaData Struct The meta data of the topology.

TopologyMetaData Struct

Name Data Type Description
deviceTypes Metadata Struct Array The information of device type.

Metadata Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The identifier of the device type.
name StringI18n The name of the device type.
type String The business object category of the device: DEVICE.

Error Codes

Code Message Description
99500 Internal server error Internal server error. Contact EnOS support.
99400 topologyId is missing The topologyId is missing.
99400 topologyId is invalid The topologyId is invalid. Check the request parameters.
98404 topologyId does not exist The topologyId does not exist.


Request Sample

URL: https://{apigw-address}/amc/v1.0/topology?action=getDefinition&orgId=yourOrgId&topologyId=yourTopologyId

method: GET

Response Sample

            "defaultValue":"Soiling Group",

            "defaultValue":"If you are not using the Ensight Solar application for this site, you can skip the configuration of the Soiling Group topology.",
                "en_US":"If you are not using the Ensight Solar application for this site, you can skip the configuration of the Soiling Group topology.",
                "zh_CN":"如果该场站不接入 Ensight Solar,可跳过灰尘组的拓扑配置"
                        "defaultValue":"Weather Station",
                            "en_US":"Weather Station",