Key Concepts

The user and permission system of Unified Monitoring is inherited from EnOS Application Portal. Before you start, you need to learn about the key concepts of Application Portal.

Below are the key concepts of Unified Monitoring.


Domain is a collection of assets and business scenarios. For example, the wind domain contains assets such as wind sites and turbines, and scenarios such as site and turbine status monitoring. Application users can monitor assets in multiple domains such as wind and solar on the same Unified Monitoring page.

Data Type

Unified Monitoring includes the following data types:

  • Attribute: the static and descriptive information of assets, such as name, property, and location.
  • Measurement Point: the information of asset running status, such as temperature, pressure, current, and voltage.
  • Metric: the statistical information serving as the indicator of business activities, such as the volume of power generation, the volume of power loss and failure rate.

Asset Hierarchy

Asset hierarchy in Unified Monitoring inherits the hierarchical structure of Organization Structure in Application Portal. Asset Hierarchy displays the hierarchical relationship among assets in an organization within a certain range including group, region, site, and asset. In Unified Monitoring, an asset hierarchy structure displays as an asset tree for asset filtering, where:

  • Application creators can filter assets when configuring monitoring pages.
  • Application users can switch to the monitoring page containing certain asset information.

URL Parameter

URL Parameter is the parameters in the URL of Unified Monitoring modules to control the functions and styles of monitoring pages. For more information about URL parameters, see URL Parameter Reference.


Canvas is a component of Portfolio to display visualized widgets by group or page. Application creators can configure canvas layout and the widgets on the canvas to visualize asset information.


Widget is the visualized component to display asset information on Portfolio canvas. The Portfolio module of Unified Monitoring provides rich widgets to visualize asset data. Application creators can customize the content, number, style, and data of widgets on Portfolio canvas to meet business needs. Portfolio provides the following types of visualized widgets:

  • Standard widgets: highly applicable but contain no data fields by default.
  • Special widget: applicable for specified scenarios with data fields by default.

For more information, see Widget Reference.


Aggregation is the function to display asset data collectively based on specified methods. Unified Monitoring supports multiple aggregation methods such as by administrative districts, regions, and distance, and displays the aggregated asset data by hover cards, donut charts and other visualized ways.


Non-Connection, defined by application creators in the Asset List module, refers to the status where assets lose the connection to EnOS. When the measurement point or metric data of an asset meets the specified values, the asset is regarded as non-connected or in non-connection status. In the Configuring Non-Connection Status section, application creators can:

  • Mark the non-connected assets and the related asset data in grey and exclude the data from totalizing and sorting.
  • Display related assets normally on the asset list and are included the asset data in totalizing and sorting.


Template is a collection of preset contents including analyzing scope, asset type, target asset, data fields, time scope and customized analyzing object. In the Charting Tool and Common KPI Inquiry modules:

  • Application creators can save the configured reports or charts as templates for application users and manage existing templates.
  • Application users can apply templates to quickly query and analyze target data.