Key Concepts

The user and permission system of EnOS Mobile Application is inherited from EnOS Application Portal. Before you start, you need to learn about the key concepts of EnOS Application Portal.


A collection of assets and business scenarios. For example, the wind domain contains assets such as wind sites and turbines, and scenarios such as site and turbine status monitoring.


Statistical values ​​that measure the overall characteristics of a target and serve as the numerical indicators to reflect the business status of a certain business activity. For example, production, production loss, and failure rate.

Service Request

Tickets that are usually used to report problems or submit O&M requests. For example, when monitoring staff discover that a device has generated an alert or another abnormality, they can submit the problem to the site O&M team for handling by creating a service request.

Work Order

Core tickets of the Operation and Maintenance work. Work orders contain information such as the task to be completed and the personnel, time, and files required to complete the task.