Key Concepts

Before you start, you need to learn about the key concepts of EnOS.

Organization (OU)

In EnOS, resources are segregated by OUs, where an OU is the top-level management unit with a collection of user accounts, assets, etc.

Through IAM, you can centrally manage all users and check user activities within this OU. Each OU has a unique master account called OU owner and other types of user accounts. The OU owner can control the access rights of other users through the binding of corresponding access policies.


Default resources are allocated when an organization is created for performing basic operations such as connecting devices to EnOS. If you need to expand or adjust the capabilities of your clusters on EnOS, you will need additional resources or adjust your existing resource quota. EnOS offers online resource management for specific types of resources.


In general, IoT devices are devices that connect to a network and can transmit data. They can communicate with each other without human intervention. For more information, see Devices in EnOS.


Applications are computer programs that perform specific functions for users or other applications. Applications in EnOS can be accessed through EnOS Application Portal. Developers can use a variety of ways to develop applications on EnOS, for more information, see Application Enablement Overview. EnOS applications include:

  • Standard applications developed custom for specific scenarios, which need to be registered in EnOS Management Console. Registered applications are automatically synchronized to EnOS Application Portal Admin Console
  • New applications consisting of application shortcuts that integrate existing application menus and operational permissions that can be created directly in EnOS Application Portal.