Metering Management Overview

Metering Management collects and aggregates users’ resource consumption on EnOS Cloud, providing multi-dimensional metering reports for resource management and cost estimation.


Metering Management is only available in Enterprise edition, not available in Lightweight edition.

Key Concepts

Metering Management involves the following key concepts.


  • Resource: Resources are the foundation for utilizing various EnOS services within an OU. Metering management uses different metering items to measure the consumption of resources for each service.
  • Service: A service refers to the product, service, or functional module to which the metered resources belong. Metering items can be filtered by service to generate customized reports.
  • Metering Item: A metering item is a metric used to measure and calculate specific resource usage. Different types of metering items correspond to different units of measurement. Metering items can be categorized as:
    • Basic metering items: These correspond to EnOS Cloud’s foundational services and functionalities, with message count as the object of measurement.
    • Advanced metering items: These correspond to complex data processing and analysis functionalities within EnOS Cloud, typically measuring resource consumption in terms of units per time.
  • Metering Report: Metering reports are generated by selecting services and statistical periods, producing reports with different time granularities. Metering reports categorize metering data based on the local time zone of the platform’s service location.

Main Features

In Metering Management, OU administrators can view and export metering data at the following 3 time granularities:

  • Monthly Metrics Overview: gain a high-level overview of resource and service usage by viewing statistics for each resource and service usage for each month from a holistic perspective.
  • Daily Metering Report: view the actual usage of each resource and service on a daily basis, timely discover the peak and fluctuation of resource usage, and perform real-time capacity planning and resource adjustment.
  • Metering Details: obtain the usage details of each resource and service within the last 3 months, troubleshoot issues based on instance ID and hourly metering data, and better manage and control resource usage.