What’s Changed in 2.4.4?

EnOS 2.4.4 introduces the following behavioral changes.

Application Building

Application Portal

Service / Function Before After Impact
Alarm Notification Popup When you open the popup, it may display alarm messages of another application. You need to switch applications in the popup to view the alarm messages of the current application. When you open the popup from an application, the popup will display the alarms of this application by default. None

EnOS Mobile

Service / Function Before After Impact
Asset Overview/Asset Ranking/Performance Report Users can view up to 2 levels of the asset structure. Users can view the assets on every level of the organization structure. None

Digital Twin Visualization

Service / Function Before After Impact
Digital Twin Dashboard The widget displays a blank to represent the empty value.

The widget will display a hyphen “–”.


Unified Monitoring

Service / Function Before After Impact
Portfolio The site type filter is displayed on a single site page. The site type filter is no longer displayed. None
Portfolio A maximum of 3 filters can be added to the page. The maximum number of filters is 10. None
Portfolio When viewing a page, users cannot go back to the previous level.
  • When viewing a regional level page, users can select Back to return to the previous level by default.
  • When viewing a site level page, users can click Back and select either Back to Previous or Back to Default.
Asset List The asset list is paginated on the client-end by default. Application creators can set the pagination type to either Client or Server. None
Asset List Users can customize the batch operation buttons on a page. Users can perform batch operations only when the batch operation button is added by application creators in Function Configuration. Users can no longer add custom batch operation buttons.
Charting Tool The site type filter is displayed on a single site page. The site type filter is no longer displayed. None
Common KPI Inquiry When the subtotal function is disabled, a maximum of 64000 items can be exported at one time. The maximum number of items is 128000. None

Data Management

Data Subscription

Service / Function Before After Impact
Data Subscription Time series data subscription supports device models and data models for subscription to time-stamped measurement point data generated by asset uploads or calculations. Only device models are supported. None

Device Connection

Device Connection & Management

In EnOS 2.4.4, Device Connection & Management include the following menu/tab changes and function changes.

Function Changes

Service/Function Before After Impact
Device Management View device information on the Overview page. Merge device information from the Overview page into Monitoring & Maintenance. And use more intuitive charts to show these information. None
OTA Upgrades View upgrade information of the selected product. View upgrade information of the selected firmware or product. None
Monitoring and Maintenance In Statistical Indicators, select products and metrics and view charts. In Metric Explorer, select metrics, aggregation methods, filters, and groups to customize charts. None

Alarm Management

Service / Function Before After Impact
Active Alarm/Alarm Log In the site filter, sites are displayed in a tile layout, and users can only select sites one by one. Sites are displayed based on the EnOS Application Portal’s organizational structure, and sites can be selected in batches. None

Data Quality

Service/Function Before After Impact
Data Quality Deploy Data Quality by OU. Deploy Data Quality by environment. None

Administrative Tools

Service / Function Before After Impact
Management Console When you log in for the first time or after the OU administrator resets your password, you can set a new password and log in without any further verification. You need to enter the initial password provided by the OU administrator for verification before setting a new password. None
Application Registration When the authorization for the child menu of an application is revoked for a user, the authorization for the parent menu will also be revoked simultaneously. The authorization for the parent menu will be retained. None