Accessing EnOS

All functions of EnOS are provided in EnOS Management Console or EnOS Application Portal for you to access through a user-friendly graphical interface. You can also access the functions through APIs.


EnOS provides APIs for developers to add, delete, modify, and retrieve resources such as models, devices, and assets in the cloud to facilitate application development. EnOS adopts a variety of authentication and authorization techniques to ensure secure access to the APIs.

To invoke EnOS APIs, you need to register an application on EnOS Management Console to get the application access key and secret key, which are required for authentication and authorization. For more information, see Getting Started with EnOS API

EnOS Management Console

EnOS Management Console is a web-based graphical interface for you to interact with the resources in EnOS. For more information, see About EnOS Management Console.

EnOS Application Portal

EnOS Application Portal is a universal and flexible EnOS-based application portal for permission management and application access. It provides application developers with a unified RBAC-based permission system and login portal, and helps to ensure that end users can smoothly access and use applications in the same system with the same permissions, improving security control and reducing R&D costs. For more information, see About Application Portal and Application Portal GUI Conventions.