Configuration Tool

EnOS Edge Configuration Tools are used to model devices and manage connectivity and device life cycle.

EnOS Edge provides three types of tools to manage configurations:

  • The Cloud Asset Config Tool provides a set of tools from EnOS Cloud to model and manage devices remotely.
  • The Local Asset Config Tool provides tools to model and manage devices locally. It can be deployed on Edge Extensive and Edge IIoT Gateway.
  • The Local O&M Tool, the in-built configuration tool of EnOS Edge, supports local operation and management, local debugging, and local loading configuration. It can be deployed on any Edge product.


EnOS Edge configuration tools can be applied according to the following scenarios:

Configuration tool Position When to use
Cloud Asset Config Tool Remotely configure and manage Edge devices from the cloud through the cloud configuration tool with zero-touch device provisioning EnOS Cloud is accessible
Local Asset Config Tool Locally configure and manage Edge devices on-premises with zero-touch device provisioning
  • EnOS Cloud is not accessible and the configuration changes frequently
  • Any configuration changes of the Edge device should be updated in the local configuration tool once you use the tool.
Local O&M Tool Locally debug data and load configurations
  • The network is weak or disconnected and the configuration is stable
  • It is recommended to edit and export configuration files from the Cloud asset configuration tool first. And then import it to local Edge devices using the local loading configuration tool (the feature of the local O&M tool).

The applicable products and scenarios of the configuration tool are shown below:



Configuration tool Cloud configuration tool (Partial) Local configuration tool Local O&M tool
Configure model and assets ×
Manage Edge devices remotely ×
Web UI and access control
Debug EnOS Edge
Locally load configuration files × ×
Version query / visual upgrade × ×
System / function configuration × ×
Indicator monitoring / log management / operation and maintenance channel × ×


It is recommended to use the Cloud configuration tool. When EnOS Cloud is not accessible, the local configuration tool can be used as an alternative, which focuses on the modeling and management of Edge devices.