TSDB Policy Service Overview

API List

Operation Name Description
Get Points TSDB Meta Data Get the TSDB storage policy corresponding to the model measurement point. A measurement point can have multiple storage policies, depending on its data type and usage. This API returns all the TSDB storage policy metadata in the current OU for the specified measurement point.

Common Error Codes

Code Error Information Description
0 Success Success
  xxx is required Parameter xxx is required
  All asset authentication failed The current application does not have the access permissions for all queried devices
  Invalid Argument Invalid or missing parameters
  [modelId] permission denied! Invalid or missing modelId
430   The result set is too large and the service invocation failed
701   Service error
702 xxx cannot be null or negative Parameter xxx cannot be null or negative
  xxx is empty Parameter xxx cannot be null
  only one xxx is allowed At most one parameter xxx is allowed
  param xxx is invalid Parameter xxx is invalid
  is not a valid integer Parameter is not a valid integer