Create Active Alerts in Batch

Create active alerts in batch. Once an alert fails the format verification, all alerts cannot be created. Specific format error message will be returned.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
orgId Full Access

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/event-service/v2.1/active-alerts?action=batchCreate

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required or Not Data Type Description
orgId Query true String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
activeAlertList true ActiveAlert struct Active alerts list. See ActiveAlert Struct>>

ActiveAlert Struct


In the following non-required fields, you must provide measurepointId or deviceStatus to trigger the alert.

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
assetId true String Asset ID. How to get assetId>>
modelId true String ID of the model applicable for the alert. How to get modelID>>
modelIdPath false String Model path
measurepointId false String Asset measurement point. How to get pointId>> </docs/api/en/2.1.0/api_faqs#how-to-get-the-measuremet-point-pointid>
deviceStatus false String Device status, such as “offline”. Refer to xxxxxxxxxxxx </docs/alert/en/2.1.0/howto/setting_state_based_alert.html>
value true Object Measurement point value
occurTime true Long Occurrence time in UTC format. For time formats, see ISO8601 Standard Time Formats Used by UTC>>
localOccurTime false String Occurrence time in local format. For time formats, see Data and Time Formats Used by Localtime>>
severityId false String Alert severity ID
severityDesc false StringI18n Alert severity description
typeId false String Alert type ID
typeDesc false StringI18n Alert type description
subTypeId false String Alert sub-type ID
subTypeDesc false StringI18n Alert sub-type description
contentId false String Alert content ID
contentDesc false StringI18n Alert content description
tags false tags data type Tags

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data EnosBatchEachData struct Success or fail message

EnosBatchEachData Struct

Name Data Type Description
code Int Failed or succeeded to create one alert: 0: succeeded, -1: failed
msg String Format is correct or not
data String If creation is successful, it is eventId, if failed, then it is error message


Request Sample

    "activeAlertList": [{
        "assetId": "asset",
        "contentDesc": {
            "defaultValue": "default2",
            "i18nValue": {
                "en_US": "english",
                "zh_CN": "中文"
        "contentId": "content",
        "localOccurTime": "2019-11-07 15:15:58",
        "measurepointId": "point111",
        "modelId": "model",
        "modelIdPath": "/path-path-path",
        "occurTime": 1573110958644,
        "orgId": "o15475450989191",
        "severityDesc": {
            "defaultValue": "default",
            "i18nValue": {
                "en_US": "english",
                "zh_CN": "中文"
        "severityId": "severity",
        "tag": {
            "key1": " v1 "
        "typeDesc": {
            "defaultValue": "default1",
            "i18nValue": {
                "en_US": "english",
                "zh_CN": "中文"
        "typeId": "type",
        "value": 1

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "requestId": "08f7c947-8c4e-4512-9764-58258173186e",
    "data": [{
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "format right",
        "data": "201911072a7658def1801fa23dc0ba494e2f38c8"
    "successSize": 1,
    "totalSize": 1