Revoke Refresh Token

Revoke user’s Refresh Token.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.0/refreshToken/revokeAll

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
Authorization true String Access Token, represented as Bearer Token. Refer to Log In or Refresh Access Token to learn how to get Access Token.
Content-Type false String The content type of the returned content is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
refreshToken true String Refresh Token. Refer to Choose Organization to learn how to get Refresh Token.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Boolean null


Request Sample

headers: {"Authorization":"Bearer APP_PORTAL_S_TDKKeqfYBK3m5z3LRgKVqThWDYnRBN44"}

Return Sample
