Managing Organization and Members

This section shows how the system administrator can create and manage the organization and manage organization members.

Creating or Importing an Organization

The system administrator or cluster administrator can create or import an organization with the steps below.

  1. Log in to the Cluster Management with system administrator or cluster administrator account (you may contact EnOS Support to get the URL).

  2. To create an organization, select System Management > Organization Management from the left navigation and click New Organization.

  3. Fill in the required information for the new organization such as the organization name, organization owner, etc.

  4. If EnOS is deployed in the cluster, the system administrator can also import organizations from EnOS to synchronize the organization information and users. Select System Management > Organization Management from the left navigation and click Import Organization. Search the organization name and select the organization to be imported.


    Only EnOS organizations that are not yet mapped with ECP organizations can be imported. EnOS organizations that have been mapped cannot be imported again.

The created or imported organizations can be found in the Organization Management list. To edit the information of organizations, click the Edit icon.

Managing Organization Information

The system administrator or cluster administrator can manage the organization information and members with the steps below.

  1. Select the target organization from the Organization menu.

  2. Select Organization Management > Organization Info from the left navigation to view or edit the basic information of the organization.

  3. Select Organization Management > Organization Member from the left navigation to add or synchronize organization members. When adding a member, select the role of the member in the organization.

  • Organization Owner: Can manage the current organization and operate on all the K8s resources of the organization.
  • Organization Member: Can view all the data of the current organization.
  1. If the organization is mapped to an EnOS organization, click the Synchronize button to import the EnOS OU users to the organization.