Using Built-in Data Sources

DTV supports multiple types of built-in data sources: the Time Series Database (TSDB), the Common Data Service (CDS) and the Metric Management (Olap).

Preparing the Built-in Data Sources


The EnOS Time Series Database provides access to time series data generated by stream processing engines or devices.

  1. Obtain the Time Series Data (TSDB).
  2. Create the corresponding storage policy in Time-Series Data Management, see Storage Policy for EnOS Cloud Users.

Data Sources Description
LatestData The latest data of the specified measurement points of specified devices.
Current Day Electric Power The accumulated power consumption/production data of specified devices from 00:00 (local time) of the current day.
Electric Power The power consumption/production data of specified devices within a certain period.
DI Data The status change (DI) data of specified devices within a certain period.
AI Raw The original AI data of specified measurement points of specified devices within a certain period.
AI Aggregation The AI normalized data of specified measurement points of specified devices within a certain period. The queried data can also be aggregated by the specified logic.
Generic The generic data of specified measurement points of specified devices within a certain period.
RAW DATA The original data of specified measurement points of specified devices within a certain period (covering AI, AI Normalized, DI, PI, and Generic data types) and perform application development.

For more information, see Time Series Data Management Overview.

Common Data Service

EnOS Common Data Service (CDS), providing access to EnOS data such as cross-domain KPIs, metrics, measurements, alert data etc.

  1. Obtain the Common Data Service.
  2. Complete pre-configuration. For more information, see Setting up EnOS Common Data Service.

Data Sources Description
Realtime Real-time data, the latest data values or data containing the latest data values for a certain period (current day, current month, current year or all) are supported.
Timeseries Time-series data, data for a certain period.
Alarm Alarms, alarm data for site devices. For example, using the CDS - Alarm data source requires that an Alarm Rule be associated at the OU level.
Topology Real-time data with information on the hierarchical structure of the target device (typically used in the Device Status widget).
Record Operation records (generally used in the Table widget).

For more information, see EnOS Common Data Service.

Metric Management

EnOS Metrics Management Service provides one-stop metrics standardization definition, metrics configuration calculation and metrics uniform query service.

  1. Obtain the Metric Management
  2. Create the required metrics, fact sheets and dimension sheets. See Develop photovoltaic power generation, temperature and irradiation indicators.

Data Sources Description
Metric Query metric data.
Fact Sheet Query fact table and dimension table data.

For more information, see Metric Management.

Enabling Built-in Data Sources

Enable built-in data sources by following these steps:

  1. Select Dashboards > Data Source from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Built-in Data Sources tab to access the list of built-in data sources.
  3. Toggle their respective Enable toggles.