
Returns the current date as a String in the specified format.


Combine the parameters as a JSON structure as input.

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
pattern Mandatory String The format of the date to be returned.
timezone Optional String The timezone for the returned date/time, such as GMT for Greenwich Mean Time. If not specified, GMT is used by default.
locale Optional String
Locale for the returned date/time. For example, if locale is EN (English), and pattern is EEE d MMM yyyy, the returned result will be Thu 2000-04-13 01:45:33. If not specified, EN is used by default. The locales currently supported are:
  • EN: English
  • CH: Chinese

Return Values

Value Data Type Description
value String The current date in the format specified in pattern.


var format = tools.DateUtil.getCurrentDateString({"pattern":"EEE yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss","timezone":"GMT","locale":"EN"});
return, JSON.stringify(format));


"Fri 2021-04-09 08:02:08"