
Compares two dates and returns the result as an integer.


Combine the parameters as a JSON structure as input.

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
startDate Mandatory String The start date and time.
endDate Mandatory String The end date and time.
startDatePattern Mandatory String The format for the startDate parameter, for example: yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS
endDatePattern Mandatory String The format for the endDate parameter, for example: yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS


If startDate is 2021-03-10 (startDatePattern is yyyy-MM-dd) and endDate is 2021-03-10 11:11:55:111 (endDatePattern is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS), this function will assume that the start date is earlier than the end date and return a -1 value. For more information on the return values, see Return Values.

Return Values

Value Data Type Description
Value Number
Checks whether startDate is before, the same with, or after the endDate.
  • -1:startDate is before endDate
  • 0:startDate is the same as endDate
  • +1:startDate is after endDate


var difference = tools.DateUtil.compareDates({"startDate" : "2021-03-10", "endDate" : "2021-03-10 11:11:55:111", "startDatePattern" : "yyyy-MM-dd", "endDatePattern" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS"});
return, JSON.stringify(difference))

