Devices in EnOS

The devices that EnOS manage in Device Connectivity & Management are massive and diverse. Yet what exactly constitutes to a device in EnOS?

In general, IoT devices are devices that connect to a network and can transmit data. They can communicate with each other without human intervention.


The IoT devices in the diagram above are examples of some of the more common IoT devices, as per the below. They can connect directly to EnOS or through gateway/edge devices for full device lifecycle management, transmitting data to be processed, stored, and output to end-user devices, applications, and systems.

Type Description Examples
Device A device with one or multiple sensors or actuators, or a combination of both.
  • Wind turbines
Sensor Part of a device that observes/measures one or more events or properties, such as temperature, from the physical environment and converts it into data.
  • Eddy current sensors
  • Displacement sensors
Standalone Sensor A specific type of device with only one sensor that observes/measures one or more events or properties, such as temperature, from the physical environment and converts it into data.
  • Thermometers
  • Accelerometers
Actuator Part of a device that changes one or more events or properties, such as temperature, in the physical environment in response to received data.
  • Motors
  • Heaters
Standalone Actuator A specific type of device with only one actuator that changes one or more events or properties, such as temperature, in the physical environment in response to received data.
  • Automatic doors
Gateway Device A device which connects to multiple complex devices, or multiple standalone sensors/actuators, or a combination of both, that bridges the communication gap between IoT devices, systems, and the cloud.
  • EnOS Edge
  • WAN access devices
  • Routers

In EnOS, “device assets” are considered IoT endpoints, and are classified into two types: device and gateway. Devices, sensors, standalone sensors, actuators, standalone actuators, all fall under “device”, while gateway devices fall under “gateway”.