
It is recommended that you read the following before you start using any models, products, devices, logical assets, asset trees, firmware upgrades, etc. The limitations listed here are applicable to each OU(Organization Unit).

The limitations listed in this document are default limitations. You can contact the OU administrator to expand the limitations as needed. The effect range of the expansion can be divided into the following:

  • This environment: the expanded limitations will be effective in each OU of this environment.
  • This OU: the expanded limitations will be effective in this OU only.


The following general limitations apply simultaneously to models, attributes, measurement points, services, events, products, devices, logical assets, firmware, and asset trees. For example, if the number of tags that can be added to a single model is extended, the number of tags that can be added to the other objects mentioned above will also be extended within the effect range.

Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of tags for each model/attribute/measurement point/service/event/product/device/logical asset/firmware/asset tree 100 This environment
Tag key
  • Supports only letters, numbers, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and slash (/)
  • Max 50 characters
This environment
Tag value
  • Does not support starting or ending with whitespace
  • Max 200 characters
This environment


Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of MQTT connections per second per device 1 This environment
Max MQTT report limit per second per device 1M This environment
Max MQTT downlink reception limit per second per device 1M This environment
Max length of one MQTT publish message 512KB This environment
Time range of MQTT heartbeat 60 - 300 seconds This environment
Max number of CoAP connections per second per device 1 This environment
Max CoAP report limit per second per device 10KB This environment
Max CoAP downlink reception limit per second per device 10KB This environment
Max length of one CoAP publish message 1KB This environment
Max length of HTTP report body 512KB This environment
Max number of connection requests for a device when the device request connection is not limited 4 times within 2 minutes, limited to 5 minutes This environment


Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of private models 1,000 This OU
Max number of attributes for each model 200 This environment
Max number of measurement points for each model 5,000 This environment
Max number of services for each model 50 This environment
Max number of events for each model 50 This environment
Max number of files in the ZIP when importing models 20 This environment
Max ZIP file size when importing models 2M This environment
Max number of models that can be exported 20 This environment
Max number of items for enum data type 200 This environment
Max number of items for array data type 1,024 This environment
Model identifier
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Supports only English alphabets, numbers, and special characters -_.
This environment
Model name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Model category
  • Max 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Model description Max 1,024 characters This environment
Attribute/measurement point/service/event identifier
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Supports only English alphabets, numbers, and special characters -_.
This environment
Attribute/measurement point/service/event name 1 - 64 characters This environment
Attribute/measurement point/service/event description Max 1,024 characters This environment
String data type for attribute Max 4,000 characters This environment
String data type for measurement point Max 1,024 characters This environment


Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of products 2,000 This OU
Max number of devices that can be created under one product 10,000 This environment
Max number of products that can be batch imported at any one time 1000 This environment
Max file size when importing products 5M This environment
Max number of products that can be exported 1,000 This environment
Max size of script for data parsing 48KB This environment
Product name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Product description Max 512 characters This environment


Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of assets 200,000 This OU
Max number of device assets 100,000 This OU
Max number of devices that can be created in a batch 1,000 This environment
Max file size for each Excel file when importing devices 3M This environment
Max ZIP file size when importing devices 10M This environment
Max number of devices that can be exported 1,000 This environment
Max number of sub-devices that can be added under a gateway device 10,000 This environment
Max number of cache commands supported per device 50 This environment
Storage duration for a history service invoked per device 15 days This environment
Storage duration for events reported per device 15 days This environment
Storage duration for the behavior log for one device 15 days This environment
Storage duration for cloud logs 8 days This environment
Storage duration for device logs 8 days This environment
Cloud log throttling period* 1 minute This environment
Max number of cloud logs for all devices under this OU within the throttling period 100,000 This environment
Max number of cloud logs for all devices under the same product within the throttling period 1,000 This environment
Max number of cloud logs for a single device within the throttling period 100 This environment
Max storage size for device files 0.1T (modifiable in Resource Management) This OU
Device key
  • 4 - 64 characters
  • Supports only English alphabets, numbers, and special characters -_.
This environment
Device name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Device description Max 512 characters This environment
  • If the number of logs exceeds the limit during the throttling period, logging will be stopped. At the start of the next period, the log count will be reset, and logging will resume.

Logical Assets

Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max file size for each Excel file when importing logical assets 3M This environment
Max ZIP file size when importing logical assets 10M This environment
Max number of logical assets that can be exported 10,000 This environment
Logical asset name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Logical asset description Max 512 characters This environment

Device Simulators

Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of simulated devices 300 This OU
Max time range that can be simulated by the device simulator 90 days This environment
Max device simulator sample file size 50M This environment
Device simulator file name Supports English alphabets and numbers This environment

Firmware Upgrades

Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of firmware 256 This OU
Max number of OTA tasks that can be opened at the same time 256 This environment
Max number of devices that can be upgraded per batch upgrade 100,000 This environment
Max firmware file size 100M This environment
Supported firmware signature algorithm MD5 and SHA256 This environment
Firmware name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
Firmware version
  • 1 - 128 characters
  • Supports English alphabets, numbers, and special characters ._
This environment
Firmware description Max 512 characters This environment
OTA job name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment
OTA job maximum task concurrency Max 100,000, default 300 This environment
OTA job upgrade timeout 5 to 2,880 minutes, default 120 minutes This environment

Asset Trees

Item Limit Effect Range of Expansion
Max number of asset trees 100 This OU
Max layers that an asset tree can have 7 This environment
Max number of individual assets that can be added in the same tree 1 This environment
Max ZIP file size when importing asset trees 5M This environment
Max number of asset trees that can be batch imported at any one time 50 This environment
Max number of asset nodes that can be batch imported for an asset tree at any one time 50,000 This environment
Max number of asset trees that can be exported 50 This environment
Max file size when exporting asset trees 5M This environment
Max number of sub-nodes that can be added to a single asset node 10,000 This environment
Max number of assets that can be associated at any one time 1,000 This environment
Max number of assets that can be removed at any one time 20,000 This environment
Asset tree name
  • 1 - 64 characters
  • Does not support <>;@*%&\
This environment