Tutorial Overview

Monitoring the temperature of a room is a very common IoT scenario to avoid costly and irrecoverable damage to property and possessions. By connecting temperature sensors to EnOS, you can ingest real-time temperature data, and configure rules to switch on/off the air-con or fan if it gets too hot/cold.


This tutorial shows you how to connect two devices that transmit data using EnOS standard data format to EnOS Cloud and process the ingested data by using routing rules.

  • Data format used: Standard EnOS IoT (JSON)
  • In this scenario, you will:
    • Register a temperature sensor and an air-con device on EnOS Management Console.
    • Build a routing rule.
    • Connect the devices to EnOS Cloud.
    • Simulate the temperature from the sensor using a Java program developed using EnOS Device SDK.
    • Based on the routing rule, the temperature measurement point will be saved to EnOS, and when the temperature is higher than the set configuration, a command will be sent to adjust the temperature of the air-con.


  • You have signed up for an individual account or an enterprise account to access EnOS Management Console.
  • Your account must have full access to the Asset, Model Management, and Device Management service.