Model Feature Statistics

The Model Feature Statistics node counts the output results of the previous node and saves the successful/failure results such as the successful/failed measurement point/attribute/event uploads etc. where it can be viewed in EnOS Management Console > Device Monitoring > Real-time Statistics.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has multiple entry points and 2 exit points (success/failure).

Node Properties



The name for this node.

Override Last Node Status

Toggling on this switch will overwrite the status of the previous node with the result processed by this node. See the table below for examples.

Previous Node Results Model Feature Statistics Node Results Switch Output Result
“componentResult”: “Success” “componentResult”: “Failure” Off “componentResult”: “Success”
“componentResult”: “Success” “componentResult”: “Failure” On “componentResult”: “Failure”


The description for this node.


  • The input msg must be in EnOS standard data format, with the metadata containing the asset ID, device key, product key, and organization ID.


Input Sample

  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "PostAttribute",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourOrgId"
  "Body": {

Output Sample

  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "PostAttribute",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourOrgId",
    "componentResult": "Success"
  "Body": {