Report Connection Topology Status

The connection topology structure and connection status can be reported from the root node through MQTT to the cloud. For more information on connection topology in IoT Hub, see Viewing the Connection Topology of Devices.


  • Request TOPIC: /sys/{productKey}/{deviceKey}/connection/state/post
  • Reply TOPIC: /sys/{productKey}/{deviceKey}/connection/state/post_reply

Sample Request Format

When the root node establishes an MQTT connection or reconnects with the cloud, it will first report the device connection topology structure and connection status to IoT Hub. See the sample codes below.

Reporting Connection Topology Structure and Status

            {"name":"name1","state":1,"nodeId":"#001","info":"reconnect by xxx"},
            {"name":"connection1","state":2,"nodeId":"#002","info":"no heartbeat"}

Reporting Disconnected/Reconnection Status

When root nodes are disconnected/reconnected, IoT Hub automatically detects it and sets the status of the root nodes to 2 (disconnected) or 1 (connected).

When child nodes are disconnected/reconnected, the root node needs to report the information of the specific disconnected/reconnected node for IoT Hub to update the status to 2 or 1. See the sample code below.

                "assetId": "Edge1",
                "info": "no heartbeat"

Sample Response Format


Request Parameter Description

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
params Object Mandatory The parameters used for reporting the connection topology status.
nodes Array Optional Contains all the node information in the topology on the device side.
nodeId String Mandatory The node identifier, which is globally unique.
assetId String Optional The assetId of the device corresponding to the node. It the node does not correspond to any device, this field can be left blank.
state Integer Mandatory

The connection status of the node.

  • 1: Connected
  • 2: Disconnected
  • 3: Unknown
info String Optional Additional information on the node status, such as why the node became offline.
name String Optional The node name. For device nodes, if not provided, the name of the cloud device will be used instead.
isFull Boolean Optional

States whether the current request contains the full connection status information.

  • true: Requests for the full connection status information. relations must be provided.
  • false (default): Does not request for the full connection status information. relations can be omitted.
relations Object If isFull is true, this field is mandatory, if false, this is optional. Describes the connection information between nodes.
reportTime Long Optional The time when the status was reported. If left blank, it will be set to the server’s time.
method String Mandatory The request method.

Response Parameter Description

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.