Common Parameter Description

The following table describes the common parameters used in the request and response messages.

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. This is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol.
params JSON Mandatory in request The request parameters, in JSON format, which can either be array or dict.
method String Mandatory in request The name of the method.
code Integer Mandatory in response The return code. For a list of common return codes, see Common Return Codes
data JSON Optional The information that is returned. Depending on the return value, it can be in array or dict format.

Common Return Codes

The following list contains common return codes that apply to all EnOS MQTT topics. For return codes that are unique to an MQTT topic, go to the specific topic article in this Device Protocol for MQTT section.

Return Code Error Message Explanation
1220 Payload format error Payload contains invalid JSON format.
1251 Payload is empty Payload does not contain any content.
1260 Methods not consistent The method and topic in the MQTT message do not match.
1008 Msg size is too large, discard the message The MQTT message size is too large.
1009 Publish to topic with no write permission The MQTT topic is not supported, or the device that tried to publish data to the MQTT topic has not logged in to EnOS.