Report Device Events​ (Non-Passthrough)

A device can publish a message to this topic to report the newly added event to the cloud.

If the non-passthrough mode is used, the device data sent to the cloud will be in JSON format.


  • Request TOPIC: /sys/{productKey}/{deviceKey}/thing/event/{tsl.event.identifier}/post
  • Reply TOPIC: /sys/{productKey}/{deviceKey}/thing/event/{tsl.event.identifier}/post_reply


tsl.service.identifier is the identifier of the event that has been defined in the thing model.

Sample Request Format

  "id": "123",
  "version": "1.0",
 "params": {
    "events": {
            "Power": {
                "value": 1.0,
                "quality": 9
            "temp": 1.02,
            "branchCurr": [
                "1.02", "2.02", "7.93"
        "time": 123456
  "method": "thing.event.{tsl.event.identifier}.post"

Sample Response Format

  "id": "123",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {}

Request Parameter Description

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id Long Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
params Object Mandatory The parameters used for reporting the device events.
events Object Mandatory The list of the device’s events.
Power Struct Optional The identifier of the measurement point that you want to report. In this example, the measurement point has the identifier Power. The value you set for the point must match the data type defined for this parameter. In this case, the data type for Power is struct, defined with 2 paramters value and quality.
value Integer Optional The parameter name of the struct data type of the measurement point Power. The value you set must match the data type defined for this parameter. For example, when the data type of this parameter is set to integer in the model, the value here must be an integer.
quality Integer Optional The parameter name of the struct data type of the measurement point Power. In this example, the quality parameter indicates the data quality. Similar to the above, the value you set must match the data type defined for this parameter.
temp Integer Optional The identifier of the measurement point that you want to report. In this example, the measurement point has the identifier temp. Similar to the above, the value you set must match the data type defined for this parameter.
branchCurr Array Optional The identifier of the measurement point that you want to report. In this example, the measurement point has the identifier branchCurr. Similar to the above, the value you set must match the data type defined for this parameter.
time String Optional The timestamp of the event. When not specified, the value is the server time.
method String Optional The request method.

Response Parameter Description

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.
data JSON Optional The detailed returned information in JSON format.

Return Code

Return Code Error Message Explanation
1204 Model validate failed events contains invalid fields.