Modeling Method

Objects can be used by applications only after they are modeled.

Before connecting a device to EnOS, you need to create a model for the device in EnOS, which covers the basic information and features (measurement points, attributes, services and events) of the model.

You can create a thing model for a device by using the following methods.

Using the Public Model

Public models in EnOS are models that are accumlated by EnOS for key domains where you can use it as the model for your device. In the EnOS Management Console, click Model and navigate to the Public tab to view the public models provided by EnOS.

If you want to use a public model, select it from the model list when Creating a Product.

Creating a Private Model

If none of the public models can meet your needs, you can customize a private model from scratch. See Creating a Model for details.

When creating a private model, you can select the standard functions from the model function library provided by EnOS for this model. See Model Function Library for details about the model function library.

For details about how to manage the model function library, see Managing the Model Function Library.