Managing Groups of Sensor Points

The sensor point is the Monitoring Object configured for the monitoring group in the assessment rules.

EnOS Data Quality allows the configuration of sensor point groups selected in quality dashboards and quality reports so that application users can view data quality of specific point groups in dashboards and reports.


Before starting, make sure the user account has been assigned the menu group containing App Config. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating Groups of Sensor Points

  1. Select Configuration Management > App Config from the left navigation pane, which goes to the App Configuration tab by default.
  2. Select Import Group
  3. Download the template file in the pop-up window. and configure the following information in the template.
    • Monitoring Group ID: The identifier of the monitoring group, which can be generated automatically.
    • Monitoring Group Name: The name of the monitoring group, which can be generated automatically.
    • Monitoring Object ID: The identifier of the monitoring object that you want to add to the group, which can be generated automatically.
    • Monitoring Object Name:The name of the monitoring object that you want to add to the group, which can be generated automatically.
    • Point Group Name:The name of the group up to 500 characters, supporting letters, numbers, dashes, underlines, and Chinese characters. You can separate group names by commas (,).
  4. Select Upload File to upload the modified template, and select OK.

After the sensor point group is created:

  • You can view the created groups and the sensor points configured for the groups on the right side of the page.
  • To quickly find sensor points, search the name of the sensor point in the search bar on the right.
  • You can select the created groups of sensor points in the sensor point filters available in Dashboard and Report.
  • To delete a group, delete the group in your configuration file then upload the file again.

Editing Groups of Sensor Points

  1. Select Configuration Management > App Config from the left navigation pane, which goes to the App Configuration tab by default.
  2. Select Export Group to download the file of the current groups.
  3. Edit the groups in the file.
  4. Select Import Group on the App Configuration tab.
  5. Select Upload File in the pop-up window upload the modified file, and select OK.

The configuration information will be synchronized in sensor point filters in Dashboard and Report.