Import Entity by JSON

Common interface for importing entities. Supports FileSet, Measure and custom data type.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/import

Request Parameters(URI)

Name Location(Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The OU ID
checkFlag Query Optional boolean Whether to enable rule check (The default value is “false”, which means it is disabled.)

Request Parameters(Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
objects Mandatory jsonArray The list of imported data objects


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
typeId Mandatory String The type identifier. Supports FileSet, Measure and custom data type.
attributes Mandatory json The object attribute. Expressed in the form of <key, value>. The value of key is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier, and the type of key is “String”, and the type of value is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier.
tags Optional jsonArray The tags associated
terms Optional jsonArray The business terms associated


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
tagId Optional String The tag ID
atrributes Optional json The tag attributes. Expressed in the form of <key, value>. The value of key is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier, and the type of key is “String”, and the type of value is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier.


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
termId Optional String The term ID

Response Parameters



Request Sample

url:    https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/import?orgId=yourOrgId&checkFlag=false

method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

    "objects": [{
        "typeId": "FileSet",
        "attributes": {
            "id": "fsr",
            "name": "fdsfa",
            "description": "",
            "filePattern": [{
                "sourceId": "-1",
                "sourceType": "S3",
                "pattern": "fsdf",
                "sourceName": "yourSourcName"
            "fileType": "Tracelog File"
        "tags": [{
            "tagId": "test:test",
            "attributes": {
                "attr_name": "attr_value"
        "terms": [{
            "termId": "test:test2"
    }, {
        "typeId": "Measure",
        "attributes": {
            "id": "kiuy",
            "i18nName": {
                "default": "yourName",
                "zh_CN": "中文名字",
                "en_US": "",
                "es_ES": "",
                "ja_JP": ""
            "dataType": "INT",
            "unit": "m"
        "tags": [{
            "tagId": "test:test",
            "attributes": {
                "attr_name": "attr_value"
        "terms": [{
            "termId": "test:test2"
    }, {
        "typeId": "UD_test2",
        "attributes": {
            "siteId": "ffff",
            "name": "haha"
        "tags": [{
            "tagId": "test:test",
            "attributes": {
                "attr_name": "attr_value"
        "terms": [{
            "termId": "test:test2"


When typeId is FileSet, you need to go to the Data Source Registration page to get the corresponding data source information, such as sourceId, etc.

When the data source is S3, you need to specify the pattern as s3a://dataide/xia_s3/TEST/LC.

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "create": ["LGGw8HDXvSonqnhxx02foerYWrQEAvBg"],
        "update": []

Error Code

Code Message
41001 Parameters [%s] required.
41090 Atlas detail error msg: %s.
41108 Tag[%s] is not exists.
41134 The maximum number of tags or terms for each entity is {%s}, current max number is {%s}.
41135 The limit of the number of entities imported at a time is [%s], and the current number of entities is [%s].
41136 [%s]’s attribute [%s] is required.
41137 [%s] does not contain attribute [%s].
41138 Entity does not have any attributes. typeId is [%s].
41143 [%s] not supported import.
42002 Term[%s] is not exists.
42039 Attribute[%s] value does not match type.
42052 [%s] type not exit!
41071 Type [%s] does not support import!
99000 Internal Server Error.