Unit 1: Registering and Connecting Wind Turbines to EnOS Cloud

In this unit, we will first create the models, products, devices, and device trees for the wind turbine and wind farm.

Creating a Model for Wind Turbines

  1. Create a model for wind turbines with the basic settings below.

    • Identifier: eos_turbine
    • Model Name: eos_turbine
    • Category: N/A
    • Created From: No
    • Source Model: No
    • Description: Model for wind turbines

  2. Define the following measurement points for the eos_turbine model.

Feature Type Name Identifier Point Type Description
Measurement Point ammeter ammeter AI The meter reading data of the energy production.
Measurement Point production_daily production_daily PI The daily energy production data of the wind turbine.

Creating a Model for Wind Farms

  1. Create a model for wind farms with the basic settings below.

    • Identifier: eos_site
    • Model Name: eos_site
    • Category: N/A
    • Created From: No
    • Source Model: No
    • Description: Model for wind farms

  2. Define the following attribute for the eos_site model.

Feature Type Name Identifier Data Type Default Value Description
Attributes carbon.reduction.param carbon.reduction.param double 0.997 The parameter for calculating the carbon reduction data of the wind farm.

3. Define the following measurement points for the eos_site model.

Feature Type Name Identifier Point Type Description
Measurement Point carbon.reduction carbon.reduction AI The calculated carbon reduction data of the wind farm.
Measurement Point carbon.reduction.daily carbon.reduction.daily AI The calculated daily carbon reduction data of the wind farm.
Measurement Point production_day production_day PI The daily energy production data of the wind farm.

Example of the created models:


Creating Products

  1. Create a product for wind turbines with the basic settings below.

    • Product Name: product_eos_turbine
    • Asset Type: Device
    • Model: eos_turbine
    • Data Type: JSON
    • Certificate-Based Authentication: Disabled
    • Description: Wind turbine product

  2. Create a product for wind farms with the basic settings below.

    • Product Name: product_eos_site
    • Asset Type: Device
    • Model: eos_site
    • Data Type: JSON
    • Certificate-Based Authentication: Disabled
    • Description: Wind farm product

Example of the created products:


Creating Devices

Create 5 wind turbine devices (different device names) with the basic settings below.

  • Product: product_eos_turbine
  • Device Name: 1101, 1102, 1103, 2201, 2202
  • Time Zone/City: UTC+08:00
  • Use DST: No
  • Device Key: Generated automatically by the system

Example of the created devices:


Creating an Asset Tree

  1. Create an asset tree for the 2 wind farms and 5 wind turbine devices with the basic settings below.

    • Name: eos_tree
    • Asset Tree Tag: eos_tree:true
    • Model: None
    • Time Zone/City: UTC+08:00


  2. Add the following sub-nodes (sites) to the created asset tree.

    • Name: site_01, site_02
    • Model: eos_site
    • Time Zone/City: UTC+08:00


  3. Add the following sub-nodes (wind turbine devices) to the created site.

    • Name: 1101, 1102, 1103
    • Model: eos_turbine
    • Time Zone/City: UTC+08:00
    • Asset Type: Device Asset
