Creating a Resource

The section shows how to create a resource and add new versions of the resource.


  1. In the EnOS Management Console, click Batch Processing > Job Resource from the left navigation menu and click Create Resource.

  2. In the Create Resource window, provide the basic settings for the resource.

    • Name: Enter a name for the resource.
    • Description: Provide a description for the resource.
    • Select Directory: Select the directy to save the resource.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Overview page, click the New Version button to add a resource version.

    • Upload: From your local file system, browse to and select the script file.
    • Version: Specify the version of the resource using the format v<version_number>.<release_number>.<modifier_number>. For example, v1.0.0.
    • Description: Provide a description for the version.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 to add more versions for the resource.

Next Step

You can then invoke the scripts packaged in the resource through a SHELL task in a workflow.