Data Sandbox Overview

The EnOS Data Sandbox Service is designed to support flexible data analysis scenarios with data preprocessing and analytics technologies, helping engineers, data scientists, and business analysts process data more efficiently without having to use complex command lines or worrying about clustering implementation details.

EnOS Data Sandbox Service is based on the open-source Apache Zeppelin and Jupyter, which are web-based notebooks that enable data-driven, interactive data analytics, and collaborative documents with multiple interpreters.

Major Benefits

  • Discovery & Analytics

    Integrated with the mainstream data exploring tools Zeppelin Notebook and Jupyter Notebook, the EnOS Data Sandbox Service provides a browser-based interactive data exploration and analytics environment where you can write queries or scripts to transform data and extract insights from data. You can choose to use either the Zeppelin Notebook or Jupyter Notebook based on your business needs and scenarios.

    • Zeppelin Notebook: For data exploration and analytics with EnOS Enterprise Analytics Platform resources (Hive and Report DB), supporting multiple programming languages such as hive, spark, python, shell, mysql, and markdown.
    • Jupyter Notebook: For data exploration, data analytics, and machine learning model training and validation, supporting Python 2, Python 3, and R.

  • Visualization & Collaboration

    The EnOS Data Sandbox Service provides per-built diagrams such as histograms, pie charts, line charts, and scatter charts. Data visualization is not limited to SparkSQL queries and you can obtain different outputs through different languages.