Common Library

EnOS provides various built-in SDKs in its common library to help you access and process data more conveniently. These SDKs lower the development thresholds and improve development efficiency.

What’s Provided in the Library

SDK name Description
SYNC_HDFS_TO_S3 Synchronize data from a specified path in HDFS to a specified path in an S3 database.
COLUMNS_TO_ROWS Converts row data of your HIVE table, where each row contains values of all data collecting points of a device at a time, into a table where each row contains historical values of a single data collecting point.
SYNC_MDM Synchronizes master data to HDFS.
SYNC_REPORT_DB Performs one-time synchronization of full-load of data from Hive table to your target table.
FLATTEN_POINTS Converts EnOS raw point data (each row contains historical values of a single data collecting point) to sql-like row data (each row contains values of all data collecting points of a device at a time).
POWER_DATA_INTERPOLATION Interpolates power data, especially for the missing data of production.
HivePartitionDroppedSDK Deletes both the meta data of specified Hive partition and the stored data.
SYNC_REPORT_STRUCTURE Transfers table structure from Hive database, to MySQL report database.
SHORT_TERM_LOAD_FORECAST For different power consumers in the grid, provides 0-6 days load forecast for different-level of time granularity (15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 1 day) based on historical data and optionally weather data.
HADOOP_FILE_CRUSHER Combines many small files into fewer larger files.

How to Use the SDK

The major procedure of using the built-in SDK is as follows:

  1. In Batch Processing > Data Development, browse the Common Library tree and locate the SDK that you want to use.

  2. Double-click the version of the script and review the details about the script.

    Figure: Built-in script
  3. Click Use the SDK.

  4. In the pop-out window, provide settings about the workflow.

    Figure: Workflow with built-in script
  5. Provide the scheduling settings. For more information, see Creating a one-time workflow or Creating a periodic workflow.