Unit 3: Stream Processing

Pipeline 1: Converting the DCM Data Format to the Measurement Data Format

Creating a New Advanced Stream Processing Task


Before creating a new advanced stream processing task, you need to ensure that your organization has applied for the EDP_INPUT_FORMAT and EDP_OUTPUT_FORMAT resources of Stream Processing - Message Queue Resource through the Resource Management service.

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console and select Stream Processing > Pipeline Designer.
  2. Click the Add Stream icon add_data_source_icon.
  3. In the Add Stream pop-up window, select the following:
    • Pipeline Type: tick Advanced
    • Method: tick New
    • Name: enter tutorial_demo_1
    • Operator Version: select EDH Streaming Calculator Library 0.4.0

Designing Stream Processing Tasks

  1. On the stream processing task design page, click Stage Library stage_library_icon in the upper right corner of the page and find the operator you need to use from the drop-down menu. Click the data processing operator (such as Point Selector) to add it to the pipeline edit page.

    Operators set by default are EDH Kafka Consumer and EDH Kafka Producer.

    In sequence, add the operators Record Formatter, Data Viewer 1, and Data Viewer 2.


    The operators with an asterisk operator_star_icon are unique operators in the 0.4.0 version of the operator library and support new data formats. If there are two operators available under the same name, tick the operator with an asterisk.

  2. Drag the stage and the connecting lines to arrange the new stage as shown below. Select the operators to add and set the operator parameters in the configuration options.

  3. For the added operator, set the following parameters in configuration:

    • EDH Kafka Consumer: configure the operator and set the input topic.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select MEASURE_POINT_ORIGIN_{OUID}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • auto.offset.reset: enter earliest
      • default.api.timeout.ms: default is 600000

  • Record Formatter: configure this operator to convert the DCM data format to the measurement data format.

    Click the Configuration - Basic tab:

    • Input Format: select DCM Format
    • Output Format: select EDP <MeasurementID> Format
    • Asset Tag Groups: enter DcmModel (enter the tag group ID, which is used to associate corresponding device tags for the entered data)
    • Measurement Tag Groups: enter MyHaystack (enter the tag group ID you create, which is used to associate corresponding measurement tags for the entered data)

  • EDH Kafka Producer User: configure the operator and set the output topic.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select EDP_INPUT_FORMAT_{OUID}
    • Partition Expression: default is ${record:valueOrDefault("/assetId", record:value("/payload/assetId"))}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • retries: default is 2147483647
      • max.in.flight.requests.per.connection: default is 1
      • retry.backoff.ms: default is 100
      • delivery.timeout.ms: default is 600000
  1. Click Save at the top of the page to save the configuration information of the stream processing task.
  2. After completing the operator configuration, click Validate validate_icon in the upper right corner of the page to check whether the pipeline and operator parameter configurations are correct, and then modify the configuration according to the inspection results.
  3. Click Publish at the top of the page to publish the stream processing task online.

Pipeline 2: Calculates the Average CO₂ Emissions Per Minute Above the First Floor of a Designated Building

Creating a New Advanced Stream processing Task

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console and select Stream Processing > Stream Development.
  2. Click the Add Stream icon add_data_source_icon.
  3. In the Add Stream pop-up window, select the following:
    • Pipeline Type: tick Advanced
    • Method: tick New
    • Name: enter tutorial_demo_2,
    • Operator Version: select EDH Streaming Calculator Library 0.4.0

Designing stream processing Tasks

  1. On the stream processing task design page, click Stage Library stage_library_icon in the upper right corner of the page and find the operator you need to use from the drop-down menu. Click the data processing operator (such as Point Selector) to add it to the pipeline edit page.

    Operators set by default are EDH Kafka Consumer and EDH Kafka Producer.

    In sequence, add the operators Record Filter, Off Limit Tagger, Fixed Time Window Aggregator, Data Viewer 1, Data Viewer 2, Data Viewer 3, and Data Viewer 4.


    The operators with an asterisk operator_star_icon are unique operators in the 0.4.0 version of the operator library and support new data formats. If there are two operators available under the same name, tick the operator with an asterisk.

  2. Drag the stage and the connecting lines to arrange the new stage as shown below. Select the operators to add and set the operator parameters in the configuration options.

  3. For the added operator, set the following parameters in configuration:

    • EDH Kafka Consumer: configure this operator, then select the last output topic of pipeline 1 as the input of pipeline 2.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select EDP_INPUT_FORMAT_{OUID}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • auto.offset.reset: default is latest
      • default.api.timeout.ms: default is 600000

  • Record Filter: configure the operator to obtain the required data based on the tag.

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Filter Expression: enter:

      seq.contains_key(record.assetTags.DcmModel, 'DcmModel:Test_SGBuilding') && #`record.measurementTags.MyHaystack.MyHaystack:zone.floor` > 1
    • Output Measurement ID: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2

  • Off Limit Tagger: Configure this operator to filter the data within the range of (0, 90), and output it as a temporary calculation point of Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_a.

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2
    • OpenClose: select (x,y)
    • Min-Max: enter 0,90.00
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_a

  • Fixed Time Window Aggregator: Configure this operator to calculate the 1-minute average value and output it as a temporary calculation point for Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_b.

    Click Configuration - TriggerConfig tab:

    • Latency (Minute): select 0

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_a
    • Fixed Window Size: enter 1
    • Fixed Window Unit: select minute
    • Aggregator Policy: select avg
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_b

    Click Configuration - ExtraConfig tab:

    • Output Data Type: select From Catalog Service

  • EDH Kafka Producer User: configure the operator and set the output topic.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select EDP_OUTPUT_FORMAT_{OUID}
    • Partition Expression: default is ${record:valueOrDefault("/assetId", record:value("/payload/assetId"))}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • retries: default is 2147483647
      • max.in.flight.requests.per.connection: default is 1
      • retry.backoff.ms: default is 100
      • delivery.timeout.ms: default is 600000
  1. Click Save at the top of the page to save the configuration information of the stream processing task.
  2. After completing the operator configuration, click Validate validate_icon in the upper right corner of the page to check whether the pipeline and operator parameter configurations are correct, and then modify the configuration according to the inspection results.
  3. Click Publish at the top of the page to publish the stream processing task online.

Pipeline 3: Converts the Measurement Data Format Back to DCM Data Format and Outputs It

Creating a New Advanced Stream Processing Task

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console and select Stream Processing > Stream Development.
  2. Click the Add Stream icon add_data_source_icon.
  3. In the Add Stream pop-up window, select the following:
    • Pipeline Type: tick Advanced
    • Method: tick New
    • Name: enter tutorial_demo_3,
    • Operator Version: select EDH Streaming Calculator Library 0.4.0

Designing Stream Processing Tasks

  1. On the stream processing task design page, click Stage Library stage_library_icon in the upper right corner of the page and find the operator you need to use from the drop-down menu. Click the data processing operator (such as Point Selector) to add it to the pipeline edit page.

    Operators set by default are EDH Kafka Consumer and EDH Kafka Producer.

    In sequence, add the operators Asset Lookup, JavaScript 1, JavaScript 2, Point Lookup, Record Formatter, Data Viewer 1, Data Viewer 2, Data Viewer 3, Data Viewer 4, Data Viewer 5, and Data Viewer 6.


    The operators with an asterisk operator_star_icon are unique operators in the 0.4.0 version of the operator library and support new data formats. If there are two operators available under the same name, tick the operator with an asterisk.

  2. Drag the stage and the connecting lines to arrange the new stage as shown below. Select the operators to add and set the operator parameters in the configuration options.

  3. For the added operator, set the following parameters in configuration:

    • EDH Kafka Consumer: configure this operator, then select the last output topic of pipeline 2 as the input of pipeline 3.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select EDP_OUTPUT_FORMAT_{OUID}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • auto.offset.reset: default is latest
      • default.api.timeout.ms: default is 600000

  • Asset Lookup: configure this operator to search for devices.

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_c
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_d

    Click Configuration - Criteria tab:

    • Attribute: select All
    • Tag: select All
    • Extra: select All

  • JavaScript 1: configure the operator and determine the modelId, modelIdPath and pointId.

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_d
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_e

    Click Configuration - JavaScript tab:

    • Script: enter:
 for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++){
        var record = records[i];
        if(record.value['measurementId'] == 'Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_d'){
            //Fill in the query result
            record.value['measurementId'] = 'Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_e';
            record.value['modelId'] = record.value['attr']['tslAssetLookup']['extra']['modelId'];
            record.value['modelIdPath'] = record.value['attr']['tslAssetLookup']['extra']['modelIdPath'];
            //Manually fill in
            record.value['pointId'] = 'temp_avg';
        // trace the exception
        error.write(records[i], e);

  • Point Lookup: configure this operator to search for measurement points based on JavaScript

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_e
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_f

    Click Configuration - Criteria tab:

    • Tag: select All
    • Extra: select All

  • JavaScript 2: configure this operator to determine the quality level.

    Click the Configuration - Input/Output tab:

    • Input Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_f
    • Output Measurement: enter Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_g

    Click Configuration - JavaScript tab:

    • Script: enter:
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++){
        var record = records[i];
        if(record.value['measurementId'] == 'Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_f'){
            record.value['measurementId'] = 'Test_SGBuilding::ZoneCO2_g';
            //Setting for quality indicator query. Support custom specification.
            record.value['hasQuality'] = record.value['attr']['tslPointLookup']['extra']['hasQuality'];
        // trace the exception
        error.write(records[i], e);

  • Record Formatter: configure this operator to convert the measurement data format back to the DCM data format.

    Click the Configuration - Basic tab:

    • Input Format: select EDP <MeasurementID> Format
    • Output Format: select DCM Format

  • EDH Kafka Producer User: configure the operator and set the output topic.

    Click the Configuration - Kafka tab:

    • Topic: select MEASURE_POINT_CAL_{OUID}
    • Partition Expression: default is ${record:valueOrDefault("/assetId", record:value("/payload/assetId"))}
    • Kafka Configuration:
      • retries: default is 2147483647
      • max.in.flight.requests.per.connection: default is 1
      • retry.backoff.ms: default is 100
      • delivery.timeout.ms: default is 600000
  1. Click Save at the top of the page to save the configuration information of the stream processing task.
  2. After completing the operator configuration, click Validate validate_icon in the upper right corner of the page to check whether the pipeline and operator parameter configurations are correct, and then modify the configuration according to the inspection results.
  3. Click Publish at the top of the page to publish the stream processing task online.

Click on the left navigation bar and select Stream OM, then click Start start_icon at the end of the three stream processing tasks shown above in sequence to start the stream processing task.

On the Stream OM page, you can view Stream Task Running Results.


For more information about the operation of high-level flow data processing tasks, see Developing Advanced Pipelines.