Set Measurement Point

Measurement point setting API for the device.

This API can execute cached commands or instant commands. When executing instant commands, the API response data is returned after the device returns the measurement point setting results. If the device does not return the results within the specified measurement point setting timeout period, the EnOS service will wait for the timeout and then return the response data.

When executing cached commands, the data will be returned directly after being cached.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Asset Control

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/commands?action=setMeasurepoint

Request Parameters (URI)


Use one of the following methods to specify the device:

  • Include assetId in the request
  • Include productKey + deviceKey in the request
Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>
assetId Query Optional (See Note above) String The asset ID. How to get assetId>>
productKey Query Optional (See Note above) String The product key. To be used with deviceKey.
deviceKey Query Optional (See Note above) String The device key. To be used with productKey.
measurepointId Query Mandatory String The measurement point ID. How to get pointId>>
pendingTtl Query Optional Integer The cache storage time. Its unit is seconds and its range is [0 - 172800 (i.e. 48 hours)], which is 0 by default. If the pendingTtl is 0, it indicates that the commands will be executed immediately.
timeout Query Optional Integer The timeout period of service execution in seconds. Its range is [1-60], with a default value of 30 seconds.

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
value Mandatory String, Number, Array or Object The parameter value for measurement point setting, the value data type of which will be as per defined in the thing model.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Command ID Struct The measurement point setting results. For details, see Command ID Struct.

Command ID Struct

Name Data Type Description
commandId String The command ID.

Error Codes

For the description of error codes, see Error Codes.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/commands?action=setMeasurepoint&deviceKey=yourDeviceKey&measurepointId=measurepoint1&&pendingTtl=1000&productKey=yourProductKey&orgId=yourOrgId&timeout=30
method: POST

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "requestId": "7d863d517eae4f18a2776452eb1305bb",
    "data": {
        "commandId": "2078724684846989312"

Java SDK Sample

package com.envisioniot.enos.api.sample.connect_service.command;

import com.envision.apim.poseidon.config.PConfig;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.core.Poseidon;
import com.envisioniot.enos.api.common.constant.request.Pagination;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.service.SearchCommandRequest;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.service.SearchCommandResponse;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.service.SetMeasruepointRequest;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.service.SetMeasruepointResponse;

public class SetMeasurepoint {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String appKey = "yourAppKey";
        String appSecret = "yourAppSecret";
        String serverUrl = "yourServerUrl";

        String orgId = "yourOrgId";
        String productKey = "yourProductKey";
        String deviceKey = "yourDeviceKey";

        SetMeasruepointRequest request = new SetMeasruepointRequest();
//        request.setPendingTtl(600L);
        SetMeasruepointResponse response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(appKey).appSecret(appSecret).debug())
                .getResponse(request, SetMeasruepointResponse.class);

        System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(response));